Early College, Non-matriculated & Summer Course Offerings
Early College Program
The Delhi Early College Program is for qualified high school students who want to take a course with a SUNY Delhi professor on the SUNY Delhi campus or online to earn college credit. This program is for high school juniors and seniors who have maintained a minimum high school GPA of 80 or higher.
- Students must obtain permission of their parent and school counselor.
- Students register through the SUNY Delhi's Registrar's office (see registration information below).
- Students pay full tuition rates and campus fees.
- Early College students are not eligible for financial aid.
- Payment is due at the time of registration.
- Credits may be eligible for transfer to other colleges and universities. The decision to accept transfer credits from SUNY Delhi is at the discretion of the receiving institution.
- Click the link below to search available courses. Click on course titles to see number of available seats.
Please contact the Registrar's Office with questions.
SUNY Delhi welcomes individuals interested in non-matriculated or non-degree studies. "Non-matriculated" simply means that a student has not been formally admitted to a degree or certificate program, but is enrolled in credit-bearing courses. Students take courses in non-matriculated status for a variety of reasons, which may include:
- To become familiar with the college environment and college-level work
- To improve academic standing before applying for matriculated admission to a degree program
- To complete program prerequisites or General Education requirements before starting a degree program
- To meet job advancement needs or build skills for employment
- For personal interest and enrichment
Non-matriculated students are classified as part time and are not eligible for financial aid. Learn more about the policies and requirements for non-matriculated students.
Please contact the Registrar's Office with questions.
Search Classes Online Registration Information
Some things to keep in mind:
- Registration will depend on seat availability and application date.
- Registration is NOT guaranteed.
- We recommend making back-up arrangements in case we cannot accommodate you.
- Academic Advisement for non-matriculated students is available and highly encouraged. Please contact us to schedule an appointment.
Summer Course Offerings
SUNY Delhi offers flexible, affordable and accessible summer classes for everyone. Choose from a variety of courses to earn credit, complete general education requirements, boost your GPA, advance your career, or finish your degree. Use your time wisely this summer by earning credits in biology, business, hospitality, literature and more.
For more Information:
Contact the SUNY Delhi Office of Continuing Education and Workforce Development at
607-746-4545 or at continuinged@delhi.edu.