Media Relations
Communications Policies & Procedures
Public awareness and support of SUNY Delhi and its activities are enhanced through the maintenance of good working relationships with the media and public. SUNY Delhi's Office of Marketing and Communications strives to disseminate information in a cooperative and coordinated manner to those who request assistance. SUNY Delhi's media policy is based on a commitment to supply accurate and timely information for which the media and public have a just and reasonable claim.
The Office of Marketing and Communications shall be responsible for contact with the news media, including creation and distribution of information relating to general college news or topics requiring an institutional response. Some designees may be authorized by Marketing and Communications to distribute specific information to the media. News releases related to the college or its respective units shall be edited, approved and distributed by Marketing and Communications. News conferences shall be coordinated by or through Marketing and Communications.
The College President and the Vice President for Marketing and Communications serve as spokespersons and convey the official college position on issues of general college-wide impact or significance, or of a controversial or sensitive nature. Inquiries from the media regarding such issues should be immediately referred to the Office of Marketing and Communications. The President or the Director of Marketing and Communications may designate another college representative to serve as a spokesperson when appropriate.
Faculty and staff are free to respond to requests from the media regarding their research, scholarship, teaching or professional expertise. In such cases, faculty and staff are asked to notify the Office of Marketing and Communications to ensure a coordinated response if other college representatives are contacted on a similar issue. This also assists the Office of Marketing and Communications in building relationships with various media while maintaining the college's stature.
Should a member of the media contact a faculty or staff member and ask to speak about SUNY Delhi or matters related to the college, faculty and staff and/or students, the inquiry should be referred to the Office of Marketing and Communications. The authorized spokespersons for SUNY Delhi are:
Riikka Olson
Director of Marketing and Communications
Public Information Officer
Dr. Mary Bonderoff