Photography & Recordings

The Office of Marketing and Communications is responsible for maintaining an archive of college photos for use in publications and on websites.

In accordance with SUNY policy, faculty and staff who wish to contribute to the marketing and promotion of SUNY Delhi and take photographs, video recordings, audio recordings, or any other electronic or digital method of recording, must ask their subjects to sign the college release agreement. Contact the Office of Marketing and Communications at 607-746-4870 for copies of the release agreement.

If it is logistically impossible for all subjects to sign the above form (for example at a campus-wide event), they must be notified that their likeness will be captured. Below are some examples of how to remedy this.

  • Notification Language at Entry to Event
    Attendance at this event constitutes an agreement to SUNY Delhi's use and distribution, now and in the future, of the attendees' image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions, or audiotapes of the event. If you have questions or concerns, contact the Office of Marketing and Communications at 607-746-4870. (If you use this method, you must photograph the notice as it is posted on the day of the event. Please keep this photo on file with the event's photos.)

  • Invitation Language
    A photographer will be taking photographs at the upcoming [College Event]. Your attendance at the event constitutes agreement to the college's use and distribution (now and in the future) of your image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions, or audiotapes. If you have questions, contact the Office of Marketing and Communications at 607-746-4870.

Do not assume that any photo that appears on the web is free to use. Please consult with the Office of Marketing and Communications before "borrowing" a photo for use on the college site or in official publications.

Office of Admissions

118 Bush Hall