Mildred & Louis Resnick Library
Your Library Accounts
Resnick Library has a few different systems that you may need to log into to take full advantage of our resources and services. The list below describes what username/password to use for each of these systems.
Library databases (like MILO, CINAHL, or ScienceDirect) use the same SUNY Delhi Single Sign On you use to access other campus resources (e.g., email, Online Delhi, etc.).
If you are having trouble logging in through that screen, please contact the HelpDesk (helpdesk@delhi.edu or 607-746-4835) to be sure there is not a problem with your login details. -
My Library Card shows all the books and other items you have checked out through the Resnick Library (except Interlibrary Loans). From MILO, click on "Sign in" on the top right corner of the page. You will be taken to the same SUNY Delhi Single Sign On you use to access other campus resources. If you have already signed in to something else (e.g., Online Delhi, email, etc.), it may take you right through without re-entering your username and password. From here, you can view all of your checked-out items and renew them.
MyEBSCOhost (and other personal database accounts) Many of our databases allow you to create an account so that you can save articles, organize them in folders, and use other personalized search enhancements. In EBSCO databases (CINAHL, Academic Search Complete, and others). You can create one of these accounts by clicking "Sign In" in the top right menu bar, as shown in the image below:
This account is not needed to log in to the database and access articles. You may set one of these up if you wish to save articles that you find, but it is an additional, optional feature. You may choose any username/password combination you wish.
If you are having difficulty logging in to any of these systems, please contact the library for assistance: library@delhi.edu or 607-746-4635.