Mildred & Louis Resnick Library

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Search for books using the links below. They are separated into print and e-books. Some e-book links require a valid SUNY Delhi 800# to log in.

Available Books in Print

Book Name Book Description
Resnick Library Catalog Catalog of books, periodicals, maps and multimedia available in Resnick Library.
SUNY Catalog Collective catalog of all of the SUNY libraries. Use the "SUNY Institution" option on the left to narrow results to one or more specific campuses. Use the link for "Request from another library" to request through interlibrary loan.
Open WorldCat Use this free version of WorldCat provided by OCLC (no 800# required to search the world's books). Useful for general public access and during database difficulties.
Four County Library System Provides consolidated services to public libraries in Broome, Chenango, Delaware, and Otsego Counties.

Available Books Online (E-Books)

e-Book Name e-Book Description
eBooks on EBSCOhost Searchable collection of over 5,000 e-books, no e-reader required. Formerly Netlibrary; provided by SUNYConnect.
Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) Searchable interface of digitized subject encyclopedias, from Gale. Provided by SUNYConnect.
Google Books Google's collection of digitized books includes a large number of books related to Old English literature and language. Some full text available if the book is out of copyright.
Library of Congress Digital Collections Online access to print, pictorial and audio-visual collections and other digital services.
Making of America Historical Book Collection Over 7,000 historical books searchable, with some fully digitized. Provided by the University of Michigan.
MasterFILE Premier Includes nearly 500 full text reference books, full text from 86,017 biographies, 105,786 full text primary source documents, and an Image Collection of 341,655 photos, maps and flags.
National Academies Press Books and reports issued by the National Academies. Make sure to look for the 'Read it Online - Free' link on the left side of the page for each book.
Project Gutenberg Over 6,000 public domain books, freely available on the web.
Salem History [Reference e-books] Contains reference articles of print resources from Salem Press. The collection currently contains biographies & histories from Musicians & Composers of the 20th Century and Great Athletes.
University of Pennsylvania Online Books Lists over 20,000 free books in the public domain, on the web.