Dining Plan Options

All students who live on campus must purchase a dining plan each semester.  On-campus students will automatically be billed for the 14 Plan.  If the 14 Plan is not your plan of choice, you must change your meal plan at Residence Life. Click the Student Housing Management Access button External Page Icon on the right and follow the directions from there.  You only have the first 10 days of classes to make a change, so don't delay! 

Off-campus and Riverview students may also purchase any dining plan we offer.  Dining plans are not automatically on your bill.  You can add them by clicking on the Student Housing Management Access button External Page Icon.

On-campus Dining Plans for 2024-2025

Dining Plan Cost Per Semester Swipes Per Week Bronco Bucks Per Semester Bonus Meals Per Semester
14 Per Week $3,250 14 $670 8
19 Per Week $3,250 19 $410 8
10 Per Week $3,050 10 $565 4

14 Swipes per Week + $670 Bronco Bucks

19 Swipes per Week + $410 Bronco Bucks

10 Swipes per Week + 565 Bronco Bucks

Off-campus Dining Plans for 2024-2025

IMPORTANT: Off-campus students need to add a dining plan External Page Icon each semester they want to purchase one. Bronco Bucks only roll over from fall to spring when you purchase a plan in the spring.  Bronco Bucks do not roll over from spring to fall. 

Dining Plan Cost Bronco Bucks Per Semester Weekly Average Bonus Meals
Declining 500 $500 $500 $33.33 0
Declining 200 $200 $200 $13.33 0

Declining Bronco Balance Plans

  • $500 or $200 in Bronco Bucks gives you the freedom to purchase meals when you want, where you want.

Benefits of Purchasing an Off-campus Dining Plan

  • Purchasing a dining plan when you live off campus saves you money by allowing you to purchase food on campus TAX free.
  • Eat on campus with your friends without having to worry about carrying a credit card.

Add a dining plan today by going to the Student Housing Management System >> External Page Icon

Office of Admissions

118 Bush Hall