Parent, Family & Friends Newsletter

A Note from Dr. Brower: Midterm Grades

Dear Parents & Families of our Delhi students:

Midterm grades are not “transcripted” grades – in other words, they do not appear on a student’s transcript, but they are a good indicator of how your student is doing this semester.  Your student will be able to view final grades online at the end of the semester.

Although our hope is that all our students are successful, I must advise you that first semester students carrying 18 or fewer credits will be dismissed if the student's GPA is below a 1.30, or a D average at the end of this semester.

Students are advised that the academic calendar is available on the SUNY Delhi website under MyDelhiStudent (across the top of the page), and that it is their responsibility to check it.

Please remind your student to view their midterm grades online and discuss their grades with them.  Students are also encouraged to meet with their academic advisors and instructors throughout the academic year to discuss their academic progress.


David C. Brower, Ph.D., CHE
Provost & Vice President for Academic Programs and Services


Tutoring Services  

Did your student request their free tutoring session yet? Have them take control of theirhomework and exams with peer tutors who’ve taken the course and are here to help themsucceed. Our current course offerings for tutoring are listed the Tutoring Services webpage. Can't find their course? Students can request a tutor through Starfish Success or by emailing Ms. Magnan.



SUNY Delhi Spring 2024 Commencement

May Graduates

Graduation Fair

Attend the Graduation Fair, Thursday, March 13 anytime between 11am and 3pm. Students are encourage to talk with offices from around campus about the important things you need to know about graduation and their new life as a SUNY Delhi Alum! Student will receive great information and enter to win amazing prizes including a free cap and gown and a diploma frame.


Did you know that your student must submit a Petition to Graduate in order to be part of the Graduation Ceremony? The deadline is Saturday, March 15 and can be found through the Registrar's webpage.

Students work with their advisors to be sure all of their degree requirements are completed, and submit the documentation.

Save the Date: Saturday, May 17 for the May 2025 Commencement Ceremony!



RAs in orange tshirts

Spring Break & Semester Closing Information from Residence Life

Residence Halls close Saturday, April 5 at 10:00am 
Residence Halls reopen Sunday, April 13 at noon 

Non-graduating students depart 24 hours after their last academic experience (in person class or exam), and no later than Friday, May 16 at 6:00pm
Graduating students participating in commencement depart by Saturday, May 17 at 5:00pm

If your student has any questions regarding the breaks, please ask them to reach out to their Resident Assistant (RA), Residence Hall Director (RD), or any member of the Residence Life Staff. 

Is your student traveling home on the Trailsways Bus? 

Students, can purchase bus tickets at the Barnes & Noble Bookstore in Farrell Center. There is a bus stop located on campus (near Sanford Hall) and in the village of Delhi (on Kingston St.). Let Barnes & Noble Employees assist them in making sure they are in the right place and the right time! Students can purchase tickets with Credit Cards, Delhi Dollars, and Cash during normal Bookstore Hours. Over the phone transactions are not permitted. To find the most up to date departure times, please call Trailways at 1-800-858-8555.




Dr. Mary Bonderoff's Green Converse Sneakers

Inauguration of Dr. Mary Bonderoff, 11th president of SUNY Delhi

The college community is invited to join for a series of events celebrating the inauguration, the college, students, and the future of the SUNY Delhi community in the days and weeks leading up to the inauguration ceremony!


Financial Aid & Scholarships Blaze Don't Miss Out Sign

Student Financial Services is dedicated to helping students and families in the pursuit of their educational goals.  We understand that higher education is an investment in your future and we are here to assist you and provide resources each step of the way.

Review the Student Financial Services Announcements page for information about the FAFSA application, the Excelsior Scholarship and ways to connect with a staff member to answer any questions. 



Basic Needs

At SUNY Delhi, we believe that every student deserves access to the essential resources they need to thrive academically, emotionally, and physically. The Basic Needs page is designed to connect your student with a variety of campus and community resources that address key areas such as food security, housing, mental health, and financial assistance. Whether they are navigating the challenges of college life or seeking support for specific needs, we’re here to help.

Explore the resources with your student to find the support they need, from nutrition counseling and mental health services to financial literacy programs and community-based assistance.

Our dedicated teams and local partners are committed to ensuring your well-being and success.


Three students standing outside on a winter day



Campus Policy Reminders

SUNY Delhi is a Cannabis and Alcohol free campus. No individual may use or possess cannabis, medical cannabis, or cannabis paraphernalia in any form anywhere on SUNY Delhi property. This applies to ALL SUNY Delhi students, faculty, staff, alumni, visitors, or guests of the college.


The Student Code of Conduct states, "Tampering with any fire safety equipment, including, but not limited to, fire extinguishers, heat and smoke detectors, pull stations, pre-alarm covers, electrical conduit and wiring." As such, students who are found to have covered their smoke detector for any reason will be removed from housing.

Have you sent a package to your student through the Student Mail Center? Students are asked to wait until they receive an email from the student mailroom to pick up their item. Our mailroom staff must complete the item registration in our system.


Designed for All Students

  • Basic Needs: At SUNY Delhi, we believe that every student deserves access to the essential resources they need to thrive academically, emotionally, and physically.
  • BroncoCONNECT: SUNY Delhi’s engagement platform brings our community together and helps keep us connected. Students can learn about events and activities on and off campus, find volunteer opportunities, and be engaged with student organizations and campus departments. There is always something to do! 
  • CARE Team: Concerned about your student? Or maybe your student is concerned about someone else, and they are not sure who to go to? Let us help you find the right person to talk to about any situation. 
  • Starfish: This campus communication tool supports student success through academic kudos and flags. 
  • Tutoring Services are FREE and available for ALL students with no limit to the number of courses or hours a student can receive tutoring help. 


Student Activities & Events

How can your student find out what's happening on campus?

Bronco Ready Logo

                                • Read their bi-weekly Bronco Bulletin
                                • Check out BroncoConnect
                                • See flyers in Farrell, Evenden, Clark & the Residence Halls
                                • Watch the Digital Screens
                                • Follow @sunydelhi on Instagram



Academic, Athletic & Cultural Holidays

Keep up to date with the Academic Calendar 

Review the All Campus Calendar for department event entries

Check out the Athletic website for all contests

Visit the Cultural Observance & Holiday Calendar


Stay Connected

Delhi Sign in Summer

Office of Admissions

118 Bush Hall