


Service-Learning Vision

Service-Learning makes education meaningful by connecting real-life service experiences to course learning objectives. The policies and practices at the college must reflect this value by offering quality service-learning opportunities and rewarding faculty and staff who take part in this process.

For faculty/staff interested in designating a service-learning course, or who want to deepen their understanding of what service-learning is, please contact the O'Connor Center for Community Engagement, 607-746-4781, for the key to self-enroll in the S-L Designation Course in Online Delhi.

Service-Learning Mini-Grant: The O'Connor Center for Community Engagement assists faculty to revise or design new courses or new sections of existing courses by incorporating service-learning pedagogy. Mini-grants are provided to support faculty to use for academic service projects.

Service-Learning Mini-Grant Proposal Guidelines: Faculty should complete the Online Delhi Service-Learning Certification course before submitting a brief outline of the way the funds will be used the semester before the funds are needed. Contact the OCCE for the key to join the classroom. Besides being eligible for the mini-grant, you will receive the S-L Certification!

The proposal must clearly describe the following:

  • Syllabus
  • Planned service-learning activities and budget to allow completion.
  • Anticipated community agency or population and projected benefits of service-learning activities to such agency/population.
  • Assessment plan for determining the impact of the service-learning activities/projects on the group/population served, on the community or society in general, and on learning outcomes of the students.
  • Assessment and Evaluation Instrument: For S-L designated courses, please administer in the beginning (after Orientation) and at the end of the semester.

All faculty currently advising students are asked to promote service-learning (S-L) courses being offered. If faculty are interested in using this teaching method, please contact The O'Connor Center for Community Engagement at 607-746-4781.

SUNY Delhi's definition of Service-Learning

Service-learning engages students for lifelong success, promotes academic excellence and builds strategic partnerships through civic engagement and experiential learning. Service-learning is a combination of classroom instruction and community service with a focus on critical, reflective thinking. Students are able to become active participants in the learning process by applying what they learn in the classroom to solve real life problems. SUNY Delhi defines service-learning as:

  • An educational experience based within an academic, credit bearing course in which
  • Students participate in an organized service activity that meets community needs as identified by our partners and is facilitated by the instructor to meet set learning goals, and
  • Reflect on the service activity in such a way as to gain further understanding of course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline, and
  • Are able to become active participants in the learning process and gain an enhanced sense of civic responsibility.

The campus has been a member of the New York Campus Compact since 1999. Find out how many ways the NYCC supports Civic Engagement and Service-Learning. Please take advantage of the many roundtables, workshops, seminars, conferences and reference materials available to all faculty and staff.

Service-Learning on campus and online!

Service-Learning projects enrich the material students are learning in the classroom through active learning in the community. Participation in a service-learning project allows students to practice real world skills and real life applications, along with helping to meet community needs. The O'Connor Center for Community Engagement is a resource for students, faculty and our community partners to help promote this valuable learning tool and encourage active citizenship.