Three SUNY Delhi New York State University Police Officers Receive Statewide Honors
Three SUNY Delhi University Police officers were honored with the 2019 Police Awards
last week by State University of New York Police Chiefs Association. Lieutenant Timothy
Hess, Officer Jason Lonecke, and Officer David Vorisek were recognized for outstanding
professional service.
"I commend the men and women of our university police department for their tireless
commitment and vigilance in keeping our students and campuses safe," said SUNY Chancellor
Kristina M. Johnson who presented the awards. "While these awards recognize several
outstanding officers, today and every day we thank and appreciate all of our officers
across our campuses for their hard work that allow us to deliver the highest quality
education for our students."
“Our officers work diligently every day to protect and serve our students, faculty,
and staff,” said SUNY Delhi Chief of University Police Martin Pettit. “I’m extremely
proud of our officers who are truly protecting New York’s future.”
In March, Hess, Lonecke, and Vorisek responded to a call of a possible suicide of
a freshman student at one of the college’s residence halls. According to Chief Pettit,
all three went “above and beyond” trying to save the student and demonstrated exceptional
professionalism and dedication to the campus community.
New York State University Police at Delhi is on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week, providing foot, vehicle, and bike patrols
to all areas of campus. In addition to fulfilling the law enforcement and related
community service needs of the campus, the department provides educational crime awareness
programs for students.