College Style Guide: Color Palette
Green, gold, and white have been SUNY Delhi’s colors for years, and remain strong in the hearts of students, employees, and alumni alike. Delhi Green is a dark and bold color. It is excellent for athletic uniforms, banners, signage, the web, and any application where strong contrast is desired. Delhi Gold is a bright and intense color that is an excellent complement to Delhi Green and may be used on its own for any application where the intent is to stand out.
Delhi Green
PMS: 350 (coated and uncoated)
CMYK: 79, 0, 100, 75
RGB: 13, 40, 11
HTML #: 0D280B -
Delhi Gold
PMS: 123 (coated), 115 (uncoated)
CMYK: 0, 20, 100, 0
RGB: 255, 204, 0
Color combinations must pass WCAG AA contrast ratio requirements. Testing can be completed using a tool such as WebAIM's Color Contrast Checker.