Mission, Vision, Themes & Goals
- Gathered input from faculty, staff, and students
- Faculty and staff responded to the following four questions via an ideaboardz (i.e.
an electronic sticky note board):
- What do we hope students gain from attending SUNY Delhi?
- What is our unique contribution in higher education?
- What do we want SUNY Delhi to look like in five years? What is your dream for SUNY Delhi?
- What do you love about working at SUNY Delhi?
- Students responded to the following four questions via an ideaboardz, putting sticky
notes up at a table in Farrell, and answering questions from committee members in
their classes. We provided an opportunity for focus groups, but no students showed
up to participate:
- Why did you choose SUNY Delhi?
- What do you like about SUNY Delhi?
- What do you value about your education experience at SUNY Delhi?
- How could we improve the SUNY Delhi experience?
- Faculty and staff responded to the following four questions via an ideaboardz (i.e.
an electronic sticky note board):
- We grouped the feedback into themes. Major themes are bolded:
- Belonging
- Relationships
- Community
- Give people a chance
- Hands-on
- Small size
- Interconnectedness
- Innovative programming/premiere school of tech
- Sustainable fiscally and in terms of how we operate (i.e., not having single-use items in the dining halls)
- Using the current language in the vision and mission statements as a starting point, we began crafting revisions using the themes identified.
- What is the purpose of a mission and vision:
- Vision: what do we want the future to look like.
- Mission: what is the business, what is the outcome, how are we going to accomplish that outcome.
- Draft statements:
- Proposed Vision: SUNY Delhi puts students at the center of a sustainable applied education that integrates critical thinking in an innovative, inclusive and nurturing community.
- Proposed Mission: The SUNY Delhi community transforms students' lives by providing accessible, civic-minded, and hands-on education that advances personal and professional growth.