SUNY Delhi Educational Opportunity Program Newsletter
Hello EOP Family,
We are excited to welcome the 2023 academic school year. I look forward to witnessing all that will be achieved by our students.
To our students: We will continue to provide a nurturing learning environment where you will feel welcomed, challenged and supported. Thank you for allowing The Educational Opportunity Program at SUNY Delhi to support you through your journey in Higher Education.
Best Regards,
EOP Staff
Spring 2023 Graduates: TBA
Tips for starting the semester off with a BANG!
- Attend all of your classes.
- Effectively manage your time.
- Find out where and when tutoring services are being offered.
- Meet with your EOP Counselor.
Meet Our Staff
Gabriella Vasta
Gabriella Vasta is our Interim Director of Accessibility and Opportunity Programs.
She is a SUNY Delhi Alum and has worked on the SUNY Delhi campus for ten years, supporting
students with disabilities as the Coordinator of Access and Equity Services. She has
an extensive knowledge of our campus and our student population. Gabriella earned
her Master’s Degree in Curriculum Development and Instructional Technology from the
University at Albany.
Jonathan Annan
While this is Jonathan’s second year as an EOP Counselor, he is familiar with SUNY
Delhi as he is a Delhi graduate and EOP alumni! Jonathan earned his BA in Sports Management
from Farmingdale University, and has previous work experience with the Parks & Recreation
Department. Jonathan places a high value on spending time with his wife and two sons,
and enjoys playing basketball, video games, and watching movies in his spare time.
Jessica Blake
Jessica Blake is our new EOP counselor. She has been at Delhi for four years as a program advisor. Jessica is a Binghamton University EOP Alum and worked in the Binghamton City School District for seven years as a substitute teacher. Jessica was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY.
EOP Contact Information
Gabriella Vasta
Interim Director of Accessibility and Opportunity Programs
221 Bush Hall
Jonathan Annan
Senior EOP Counselor
211 Bush Hall
Jessica Blake
EOP Counselor
214 Bush Hall