College Senate Committees
College Senate Committees
College Senate Committees are able to address many concerns and issues under the College Senate’s purview. If you have a concern that you feel is applicable to one of the committees listed below, please reach out to the contact person for that committee and send your concern to them. You are also welcome to reach out to your academic area’s College Senate Representative or any College Senate at-large representative with your concern, and the Executive Committee can direct it to the appropriate College Senate Committee for you.
Internal Senate Committees
- Executive Committee: Alice Krause, Email Alice Krause
- Operations Committee: Cheri Rossi, Email Cheri Rossi
- Bylaws Committee, Alice Krause, Email Alice Krause
- Resolutions Committee, Lisa Tessier, Email Lisa Tessier
- Scholarship Committee, Shelly Jones, Email Michelle Jones
External Senate Committees
- Academic Policy Committee
- Academic Promotion Committee
- Annual Budget and Planning Committee
- Assessment Committee
- Campus Life Committee
- Chancellor’s Award Executive Committee
- Continuing Term and Appointment Committee
- Curriculum Committee
- Intercollegiate Athletics Board