Electrical Construction and Plumbing
Tool List
Electrical Maintenance Tool List
The following tools are required for students entering the Electrical Construction and Maintenance associate degree or certificate program. The cost of the tools is approximately $350. The annual cost of textbooks is approximately $400.
Purchase only professional quality tools. Past students have purchased tools at Sears,
Home Depot, Lowe's, and specialty stores. Permanently mark each of your tools with
your name or an identifying symbol because your classmates will all have the same
or similar looking tools.
There are two area vendors that sell discounted tools to students: Fastenal and Tinkertown
Supply. Tools purchased from either vendor can be delivered to the student's home
during the summer, or delivered to the Electrical Laboratory at SUNY Delhi during
the first week of fall classes.
Craftsman/Fastenal Tools
Roger Woodruff
Tinkertown Supply
If you prefer to pick up the tools yourself, there are two area vendors that can supply
the items:
Drogen's Electric
Oneonta, New York
Haggerty Ace Hardware
Price Chopper Plaza
Delhi, NY 13753
Tom Ballard Jr.
Pickett Building Materials
6459 State Highway 23
Oneonta, NY 13820
*Tools can be delivered to campus, or picked up in person at the store. Please order
early to allow reorder time for out-of-stock items.
Required Tool List:
- Electrician's leather tool holder with belt
- 16" hacksaw with 12 inch blade,
should be professional grade such as Lennox, Klein, Ideal, Craftsman 3554 or 3559 - 18, 24, and 32 tooth hacksaw blade (2 of each)
- Two slot head screwdrivers
3/16" blade X 4 " shank
1/4" blade X 6" shank - One Phillips head screwdriver,
approximate size: #2 tip by 4" shank - One 6" shank, screw-holding, slot head screwdriver
- 9" side-cutting pliers (lineman's pliers)
- Diagonal cutting pliers (6 or 7 inch)
- Needle nose pliers (6 or 8 inch)
- 10" arc-joint pliers (pump pliers) Channellock or Craftsman
- 8" inch adjustable wrench (crescent wrench)
- 16 ounce claw hammer
- 6 foot folding wood or fiber-glass rule (optional)
- Scratch awl
- 9" magnetic torpedo level
- Jackknife with 2&3/4 inch blade
- Combination wire stripper, bolt cutter, and crimping tool
This should be professional grade such as Klein, #45-777, Ideal #30-428, or equivalent. This should be the type that strips wires at the front of the tool.
Wire strippers, Ideal #45-215 or #45-315
Utility knife with retractable blade (optional)
Tape measure
Romex stripper (optional)
Tool box 12" x 12" x 18" or smaller (optional)
Purchase the following items at the Delhi Campus Bookstore when you arrive:
- One pair of safety glasses with side shields
- 12 inch architectural scale/rule
- Drawing template (Timely #61 Circuit Aid)
- Hard hat: A hard hat is required for some outside field projects. If you already have one, we recommend that you bring it to campus with you.
- Two combination locks
Plumbing, Heating & Pipefitting Tool List
Following are the tools required for those students entering the Plumbing, Heating & Pipefitting program for an associate degree or a certificate. The cost of the tools will be about $750. In addition, there will be the cost of textbooks of approximately $700.
Purchase only professional quality tools.
This list uses Rigid and other manufacturers' names and numbers only as a source of
reference for students’ use in selecting tools for type, size, and quality. With tools,
the old adage applies "you get what you pay for." Past students have purchased tools
at places such as Sears, Home Depot, Lowe's, and specialty stores. You must permanently
identify each of your tools in some fashion, because your classmates will all have
the same or similar looking tools.
Preferred Vendor:
Tom Ballard Jr.
Pickett Building Materials
6459 State Highway 23
Oneonta, NY 13820
*Tools can be delivered to campus, or picked up in person at the store. Please order
early to allow reorder time for out-of-stock items.
Tools Include:
- Roll of electrical tape
- PEX tubing cutter
- 12” straight pipe wrench
- 14” straight pipe wrench
- Cordless drill
- 1 each for cordless drill;
- ¼” hex drive bit
- Flat head screw bit
- #2 Phillips screw bit
- Set of combination wrenches ⅜” through ¾”
- Basin wrench
- 6” adjustable wrench
- 12” adjustable wrench
- Rigid #15 tubing cutter 3/16” to 1 ⅛” capacity
- Rigid #20 tubing cutter ⅝” to 2 ⅛” capacity
- Stubby flat blade screwdriver
- Stubby Phillips screwdriver
- Flat blade regular screwdriver
- Phillips regular screwdriver
- 5/16” nut driver
- ¼” nut driver
- Hacksaw
- 16’ tape measure with ¾” or 1” wide blade
- Torpedo level
- Claw hammer
- Wood chisel
- 12” adjustable pliers
- Cold chisel
- Combination square
- Metal or plastic tool box that can be locked with a padlock
- Pocket knife
- Side cut pliers
- Needle nose pliers
- Left cut tin snips
- Right cut tin snips
- Multi-meter electrical tester
- Roll of plumbers emery cloth
- One pound roll of lead-free solder
- 6 oz. or larger soldering paste (flux)
- Wire strippers
- Set of Allen wrenches
- 2 carpenter’s pencils
- Sharpie-type marker
- Hard hat
- Pair of clear lens safety glasses
- Roll of teflon tape
- 4 oz. or larger pipe dope
- Awl
- Turbo tip soldering torch
- 14 oz. Propane or MAPP gas cylinder
- Package of shop rags
- Box of adhesive bandages
The approximate cost of these tools is $750.
Please note: Students will not be allowed to participate in lab without hard hat, safety glasses, leather work shoes, and work clothes. Students are expected to have tools and safety equipment with them the first day of classes.