Nursing AAS Program Outcomes


End-of-Program Student Learning Outcomes

At the completion of the AAS RN program, graduates will demonstrate the following:

  1. Evidence-Based Practice: Integrate best practices congruent with current evidence, patient/family preferences, and values into delivery of optimal care.
  2. Safety: Employ safety standards to minimize risk of harm to patients and providers.
  3. Patient-Centered Care: Deliver care that is compassionate, ethical, coordinated and based on respect for patient/family diversity, preferences, values and needs.
  4. Teamwork and Collaboration: Collaborate within nursing and healthcare teams applying open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making in the delivery of optimal care.
  5. Quality Improvement: Utilize data to monitor outcomes of care and continuously improve the quality and safety of patient care.
  6. Informatics: Exhibit understanding of information and technology to communicate and support decision making in delivery of safe and quality health care.

Cronenwett, L. et. al. (2007). Quality and safety education for nurses. Retrieved from the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) website.

Program Outcomes

Expected Level of Achievement Student Achievement Outcome Data
Graduates will meet or exceed the national and state pass rates on the NCLEX-RN licensing examination. 2018 pass rate: 84% (associate and dual degree), NYS 88.38%,
national 86.61%
90% of graduates will express
satisfaction with the nursing program.
2018: 100% of graduates indicate they
have met program student learning outcomes
Graduation rate will meet or exceed 50%. 2018 graduation rate: 55%
Retention rate will meet or exceed 50%. 2017-2018 retention rate: 54%
90% of graduates will be employed as a registered nurse within six months of graduation or will be enrolled in a baccalaureate program. 2017 graduates: 92% of graduates are employed