Engagement Opportunities
Monthly Engagement Opportunities
Join The Center for Excellence & Innovation for Teaching & Learning on BroncoCONNECT today to see all of the great upcoming events for faculty and staff. Instantly be able to RSVP to all types of programming, add programs to your calendar, and track attendance!
Programs to Look For
Accessibility Series
- Article of interest: Overcoming Professors' Skepticism About Digital Accessibility
- Gabriella Vasta, 607-746-4744, vastagm@delhi.edu
Assessment Series
Continuing education around assessment practices and process. Sign up on BroncoCONNECT.
Common Read Project -Callings by Dave Isay a Story Corps Project
2022-23 Campus Common Read. Look for activities around finding your calling, passion, and purpose. Events during both semesters. Sign up on BroncoCONNECT.
Diversity Equity Inclusion & Belonging Series
The Delhi DEIB Series will be offered each semester. The workshops are intended to allow participants to explore six diversity topics led by campus experts. Participants who attend all six sessions of LEAP Level 1 will receive a microcredential and badge to be recognized for promotion and advancement. Sign up on BroncoCONNECT.
Delhi DEIB LEAP Series
- Diversity Dialogue
- LGBTQ+ Community Safe Zone Training
- Implicit Bias & Micro Aggression Awareness
- Religion & Spiritual Life
- Disability as Diversity
- Diversity Champions
Healthy U
Personal Development Series featuring activities and workshops focused on self-care and skill development, with topics like food, nutrition, fitness, mental health, and Life 101. Look for activities hosted by your own peers around campus and from community partners for better working and living at SUNY Delhi this semester! Sign up on BroncoCONNECT.
OER Learning Community For more information, contact Carrie Fishner at fishnecj@delhi.edu.
Open Hall: Building Campus Connections
Campus connections are key to better teaching, learning, and working. Staff and student retention rely on relationships and a sense of place. Come see where your peers work and all of the amazing resources we have at SUNY Delhi. Increase your Campus IQ and maybe even find ways to collaborate on an upcoming project! Sign up on BroncoCONNECT.
S.P.A.R.K. (Sharing Pedagogy, Awesome Ideas, Research & Knowledge) January & June Day Long workshops and trainings
Student U
Opportunities for Students to Improve Academic & Life Skills. Sign up on BroncoCONNECT.
Trauma Informed Series
Community experts will be bringing awareness building sessions, tips and ideas for trauma informed teaching. Sign up on BroncoCONNECT.
SUNY Opportunities & Beyond
- SUNY Center for Professional Development
- SUNY Teaching & Learning Certificate for New Faculty
- Advanced Certificate in College Teaching Potsdam
- Distance Learning Bootcamp
- SUNY SAIL Free Webinar Series