Non-Credit Workshops & Certifications
SUNY Delhi is pleased to offer the following non-credit courses to help you upgrade job-related skills, learn new skills, increase professional performance, and for purposes of personal development:
- Notary Public Workshop
- ServSafe Food Safety Certification
To Register
- Register by phone at 607-746-4545 with VISA or MasterCard by stated registration deadline and receive immediate course confirmation. Please have all the information requested on the registration form ready when calling.
- Register by fax at 607-746-4547 with VISA or MasterCard information and a completed registration form.
- Register by mail by completing the registration form (or a photocopy) and mailing
Career and Business Development
SUNY Delhi
454 Delhi Drive
Delhi, NY 13753
Please use a separate form for each person registering. All mail-in registrations
should arrive in our office at least one week before the start date to ensure availability.
Would you like to be added to our email list for upcoming workshops and events? Email
us at: