Ways to Give
Ways to Give
Your private gifts ensure that SUNY Delhi is best able to provide students with an affordable, accessible and quality education. Scholarships are our highest priority because the financial needs of our students are tremendous.
Private gifts are becoming increasingly important to support programs like Freshman Seminar and Peer Tutoring that contribute to student success. That's because state support, tuition and fees cover only a portion of the actual cost of educating a SUNY Delhi student.
Every gift makes a difference. The College Foundation has more than 180 named funds, including the General College Endowment, General Scholarship Fund, Scholarship Endowment Fund and numerous individual funds to assist students, faculty, and academic and student life programs.
You can decide how your special gift will benefit SUNY Delhi students - establish a named scholarship, provide support for a specific academic program, create a faculty fellowship or honor your favorite professor - to leave a legacy of your own choosing.
Delhi's online giving site is the fastest and most convenient way to make a gift. Give online now >
Cash, Check, or Credit Card
The College Foundation accepts cash, checks, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express. Please make checks payable to College Foundation at Delhi, Inc.
Matching Gifts
Many employers offer matching gift programs that significantly increase the value of your gift. Please check with the human resources office of your employer or your spouse's employer to see if they participate in matching gift programs. If they do, they can supply you with a matching gift form to submit to the College Foundation. Information on matching gift companies is also available by contacting the College Foundation Office.
Stocks or Securities
Gifts of appreciated stock or securities offer particular tax benefits. Please contact us at 607-746-4520 or collegeadvancement@delhi.edu for transfer instructions.
Real Estate
Real estate gifts may be accepted after review by legal counsel and the College Foundation.
In-Kind Gifts
These are typically gifts of supplies or materials used by academic departments. They can also be personal assets such as antiques, art work, jewelry, rare books, etc.
Planned Gifts
Discover the best planned gift to meet your goals by visiting our Planned Giving website.
- Estate Gifts
A simple way is to designate a percentage of assets in a will or estate plan to the College Foundation at Delhi. - Life Insurance
Life insurance policies that have been held for a long time or, if they no longer serve an important financial role, offer a convenient way to make a substantial gift. New life insurance policies with premium payments made to the College Foundation as a gift are another way to give. - Gift Annuities and Trusts
These offer options to meet personal, financial and charitable goals.
For more detailed information on planned giving and the tax advantages that are available, please contact us at 607-746-4520 or collegeadvancement@delhi.edu.
To make a gift now or in the future, contact:
Michael Sullivan, Vice President for College Advancement
Executive Director, College Foundation
607-746-4538, sullivmt@delhi.edu
Paul Hanks, Senior Advancement Officer
607-746-4608, hankspc@delhi.edu
Lucinda Brydon, Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving
607-746-4602, brydonlm@delhi.edu