Leaving College
If you or a student you know is experiencing a family emergency, or death of someone close, and needs to miss several days of class, contact John Padovani, Interim Vice President of Student Life, at padovajj@delhi.edu to arrange for official notification to the student’s faculty.
Official notification serves to verify to faculty that the student is missing class for a legitimate personal reason. It is up to the faculty member and their classroom attendance policy to determine whether individual absences will be excused. Students are responsible for making up any missed work during an absence.
Withdrawing from College
A student has the option of withdrawing from the college at any time and for any reason, up until the Tuesday before Thanksgiving in the fall semester. Refer to the college academic calendar for the deadline for spring semester and other semesters.
To withdraw, students living on campus and commuters enrolled at the main Delhi campus must go to One Stop Delhi, located in 157 Bush Hall to begin the withdrawal process. Students will meet briefly with one of the counseling staff to review their circumstances for leaving and to review the check-out process. This is important in order to ensure a smooth departure and compliance with financial aid and other college guidelines.
Students enrolled in online degree programs and off-site campus programs, refer to the withdrawal process for your program or contact your academic department office.
Personal/Medical Leave of Absence Information
A Personal/Medical Leave of Absence may be granted only in extenuating circumstances, such as illness or other unusual personal hardship, and requires detailed justification. Students must petition for such a leave through the Director of Counseling Services, who is located in Foreman Hall. The final determination regarding the leave request will be made by the Vice President for Student Life.
A Leave of Absence may not exceed two consecutive semesters (not including the semester in which the leave is granted). Summer sessions and inter-session are not considered semesters for purposes of this policy.