Women's Health Services

Women's Health Services

Gynecologic Clinic & Birth Control Services

Nurse practitioners are on staff for GYN visits, which are by appointment only. GYN exams are free. There is a fee for laboratory tests that can be billed to insurance.

Services available include:

  • annual pelvic exams
  • testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases and gynecological conditions
  • pregnancy testing and counseling
  • birth control
  • diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections

Emergency Contraception

Emergency Contraception Pills (ECP) known as Plan B are available at Health Services at a reduced fee as a way to reduce your risk of pregnancy after having unprotected sex. It is not intended for regular use, but should be used in situations where:

  • you had sex without birth control and do not want to become pregnant
  • the condom broke

The key factor is time! Emergency contraception is safe and most effective when taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex.

If you are pregnant — or think you might be — the health care providers at Student Health Services can help you understand your options. All follow-up medical care is referred to community specialists.

If Health Services is closed and you don't feel you can wait, or waiting will put you beyond the 72 hour window, you may:

  • purchase ECP over-the-counter at most pharmacies, or
  • call 607-432-2250 to be connected to the nearest Family Planning of South Central New York health center, or
  • call or visit O'Connor Hospital Emergency Services, Delhi, NY, 607-746-0300