Community Service Awards
Community Service Awards
Community Service Honor Cords
The OCCE awards community service honor cords each year to graduating students who have demonstrated sustained commitment to meaningful community service during their time on campus.
While various factors are taken into consideration when awarding these honor cords, the following framework can serve as a general guide to recommended involvement levels and service hour thresh-holds:
- Leader of Merit - Bronze Cord:
- Demonstrated commitment to volunteerism
- Average of 7.5 hours of service each semester
- Equivalent of 30 hours for a 4-semester Associates graduate
- Equivalent of 60 hours for an 8-semester Bachelors graduate
- Leader of Excellence - Silver Cord:
- Demonstrated commitment to community outreach & focused service initiatives
- Average of 10 hours of service each semester
- Equivalent of 40 hours for a 4-semester Associates graduate
- Equivalent of 80 hours for an 8-semester Bachelors graduate
- Leader of Distinction – Gold Cord:
- Demonstrated leadership in initiating community partnerships and organizing events
- Average of 12.5 hours of service each semester
- Equivalent of 50 hours for a 4-semester Associates graduate
- Equivalent of 100 hours for an 8-semester Bachelors graduate
To qualify, graduating students must complete the following:
- Complete the application form (available via Bronco Connect mid-spring semester)
- Ensure all community service hours are entered & approved via Bronco Connect
- Submit the “Community Service Experience” Form via Bronco Connect (this step reeded to add service record to co-curricular transcript)