Voter Registration
At SUNY Delhi, all members of the campus community are encouraged to innovate and develop diverse voter engagement programs throughout the year. Annual efforts put on by the Voter Engagement Committee include:
- Assisting students registering to vote and checking their registration information.
- Embedding voter registration and education during Orientation and Welcome Week.
- Utilizing National Voter Registration Day, Constitution Day, and other civic holidays to initiate voter engagement events, activities and registration efforts.
- Transportation to polls for campus community members registered locally.
- Supporting faculty, staff and students to develop initiatives and enhance campus offerings.
- Posting on social media upcoming events, activities and important civic information @DelhiBroncosVote.
Register to Vote
- Online: Register at the New York State DMV Electronic Voter Registration Application. You will need your NYS DMV-issued driver's license, permit, or Non-Driver ID, the zip code currently on record with the DMV, and the last four digits of your Social Security Number.
- In Person: Submit the voter registration form (see links below) to the County Board of Elections where you plan to vote. You may register in the county in which you live, or here in Delhi, NY at the Delaware County Board of Elections, 97 Main St. Suite #5, Delhi, NY 13753, phone: 607-832-5321. To find the address for your home county Board of Elections, visit the New York State Board of Elections online.
- For detailed Voter Registration requirements, forms, and resources, visit the New York State Voter Registration site.
- Out of State Registration: Information, forms, dates and deadline for those residing in any state or territory can be found through the United States Election Assistance Commission website.
English Voter Registration Form (pdf)
Spanish Voter Registration Form (pdf)
Already Registered?
Check Your Registration: New York State Voter Registration and Polling website, search for your information.
Make a Change: Have you recently moved, changed your name or want to change your party enrollment, you can make changes to your registration online.
Absentee Voting: If you will be unable to vote in person on election day, you may file an Absentee Ballot Application. To find the address for your home county Board of Elections visit the New York State County Board of Elections.
Partnerships & Awards
Voter Resources
Talking about Elections in Your Classroom:If you want students to vote, your best bet may be to facilitate classroom conversations that encourage their electoral participation. Campus Elections Engagement Project offers some reasons why election-related conversations in your classroom matter and provides suggestions on conducting them.
Incorporating Election Engagement into Your Courses:Much of campus election engagement happens outside the classroom, but because all students take courses, faculty members can play a key role. This resource from the Campus Elections Engagement Project offers some classroom approaches to help students participate as informed voters.
All In Campus Democracy Challenge:Provides information and a Voter Engagement Playbook to help coaches engage student-athletes in the voting process.
Athletic Departments & Student Electoral Engagement:A resource from Campus Elections Engagement Project providing a few ways your athletes and teams can influence other students to vote.