
Microcredentials are short stackable sets of credit or noncredit-bearing credentials that can help you gain specific career skill. They may incorporate classes within the typical semester schedule or use shorter or more flexible options. They may be made up of credit-bearing courses and appear on a student’s transcript, or they may be not for credit.They may be used as an entryway to a degree or certificate program or as a standalone verified credential that you can use to start or grow your career in a particular field. SUNY Delhi collaborates with business and industry to deliver in-demand educaiton to build skills necessary to meet our local and regional economy and workforce. Microcredentials are associated with a digital badge that includes evidence of student learning or demonstrated competency. Microredentials and badgest can be shared with employers to validate one's skills and achievements.

What is a Microcredential?

The State University of New York (SUNY) has defined microcredentials as coursework that:

  • verify, validate and attest that specific skills and/or competencies have been achieved
  • are endorsed by the issuing insitution 
  • having been developed through established faculty goverance processes; and 
  • are desigend to be meaningfull and high quality 

Current credit-baring microcredentials offered:

Credit-bearing microcredentials consist of completion of coursework and may also require additional experiences. Credit-bearing microcredentials must be greater than 4 credits but cannot exceed 12 credits. They also must include two courses, at a minimum.

The microcredential will be transcripted and will also be associated with digital badges issued with Credly which requires submission of evidence that the bearer has attained the learning objectives of the microcredential. 

Current non-credit microcredentials offered:

Non-credit microcredentials are typically smaller learning opportunities in which learners will earn digital badge issues with Credly which requires submission of evidence that the bearer has attained the learning objectives of the microcredential. 

SUNY Delhi Microcredentials 



How to Apply: Complete the Registation Form 



For more information please contact the Office of Continuing Educaiton and Workforce Development 



Office of Admissions

118 Bush Hall