Student Complaint Procedure

Student Complaint Procedure

Section 494C(j) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, provides that a student, faculty member or any other person who believes they have been aggrieved by an institution of higher education has the right to file a written complaint.

In New York State, a complain may be filed by any person with reason to believe that an institution has acted contrary to its published standards or that conditions at the institution appear to jeopardize the quality of the institution’s instructional programs or the general welfare of its students. Any person who believes they have been aggrieved by an institution on or after May 4, 1994, may file a written complaint with the Department within three years of the alleged incident. 

How to File a Complaint

A student has the right to file a complaint or grievance. SUNY Delhi ensures that all concerns and complaints of students are addressed fairly and are resolved promptly. Any person who believes they has been aggrieved by the College may file a complaint with the Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs within 90 days of the alleged occurrence or event giving rise to the grievance. The guidelines for submitting a complaint can be found in Section 1.367 Redress of Student Complaints, in the Academic Programs and Services Policies Handbook. Complaints may be made in person, by telephone, or in writing to:

David C. Brower, Ph.D., CHE
Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs
133 Bush Hall
454 Delhi Drive
Delhi, NY 13753
(607) 746-4540

In response to a written complaint, the College will investigate the allegations and respond to the grievant in a timely manner. Should the need arise, the College may contact the grievant for further information or clarification of the complaint. The complaint may be referred to a responsible campus official for resolution; any final determination of a formal complaint will be made by an individual not directly involved in the alleged problem.

No adverse action will be taken by the College against the student or other complainant.

The College will maintain a written record of the complaint and its resolution or disposition, including appropriate documentation, for a period of six years. Such file will be retained in the Office of the Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs.

State University of New York (SUNY) Complaint Procedure
If the individual is unable to resolve the complaint with SUNY Delhi or believes that the College has not properly addressed the concerns, the individual may file a complaint with the SUNY System. The SUNY mailing address for such a purpose is State University of New York, System Administration, State University Plaza, Albany, NY 12246.

New York State Education (NYSED) Complaint Procedure

If the individual is unable to resolve the complaint with SUNY Delhi or believes that the College has not properly addressed the concerns, individuals can file a complaint with the New York State Education Department. The website includes guidance on the process, instructions, and the form (as well as the address) for submitting the complaint.

NC-SARA Complaint Procedure

The NC-SARA Complaint Procedure is to be used by all distance education students attending SUNY Delhi by way of its participation in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements, NC-SARANC-SARA policies provide consumer protection and complaint resolution to distance education students within multiple states.

SUNY Delhi follows the complaint resolution policies and procedures outlined within the SARA Policy Manual and summarized on their webpage for Student Complaints. Consumer protection complaints resulting from distance education courses, activities, and operations may be submitted to SUNY Delhi for investigation and resolution.

The student should begin the complaint process by following the SUNY Delhi Student Complaint Procedure at the top of this webpage. If a student is dissatisfied with SUNY Delhi’s resolution, a concern may be submitted to System Administration of the State University of New York as outlined on the SUNY Office of University Life webpage for student concerns. And, if still not satisfied, a complaint may be submitted, within two years of the incident about which the complaint is made, to the New York State Education Department. Please note that this does not include complaints about grades or student conduct violations, which are to be fully addressed via campus processes, not through the NC-SARA complaint resolution procedures.


Office of Admissions

118 Bush Hall