Appointments: Permanent, Renewal, and Termination

All Permanent, Renewal, and Termination of Appointments begin with a requisition in Interview Exchange.

Permanent Appointment

SUNY Policies of the Board of Trustees defines a permanent appointment as an appointment of a professional employee in a professional title, which is eligible for a permanent appointment, which shall continue until a change in such title, resignation, retirement, or termination.

To be eligible for permanent appointment, an employee must complete seven (7) consecutive years of full-time service as a professional employee at the college, the last two-years of which have been in the same professional title. The permanent appointment shall not be effective until made by the Chancellor.

A professional employee, who serves in a professional title listed in Appendix A, B or C, infra, of this Article, shall not be eligible for permanent appointment and shall not be covered by this Title C during service in such professional title. Such professional employee shall be appointed pursuant to the procedure in Title D of this Article.

Renewal Appointment

Renewal of Term. Except as provided in this Article, term appointments may be renewed by the chief administrative officer of the college for successive periods of not more than three years each; such renewals shall be reported to the Chancellor. No term appointment, of itself, shall be deemed to create any manner of legal right, interest or expectancy in any other appointment or renewal.

A renewal will be processed using the time-period established by the SUNY Board of Trustees, which is based on the initial appointment date.

The following timetable must be observed for renewal review for professional employees with term appointments:

Appointment Type


Part-time term

Notice Required


45 days

Begin Process (recommended)


Not later than three months prior to expiration of term

Year One  

Three months

Not later than five months prior to expiration of term

Second year

Six months

Not later than eight months prior to expiration of term

Third year or more

One year

Not later than fourteen months prior to expiration of term

Appendix A or B Titles

Six months

Not later than eight months prior to expiration of the term

  • The renewal process is initiated in Interview Exchange by the Administrative Assistant to the provost, the Administrative Assistant to the vice president for student life, or the Human Resources Associate.
  • Supervisor completes a written appraisal of employee’s performance.
  • Supervisor meets with employee to review performance appraisal, discuss work, accomplishments, and any other evaluative materials, which have been prepared with respect to consideration for reappointment.
  • Supervisor submits written recommendation via Interview Exchange to their immediate supervisor (VP, dean, director, or leadership level position overseeing this position with respect to reappointment.) The most recent performance program, evaluation, and any other evaluative materials will be attached to the Renewal Requisition.
  • Employee is notified of the supervisor’s recommendation via Interview Exchange and is provided with at least five working days to review the materials and file a statement in response to any item contained therein.
  • Administrative supervisor prepares a written recommendation using Interview Exchange to the president for the employee’s renewal or non-renewal.
  • Employee is notified of the administrative supervisor’s recommendation via Interview Exchange and is provided with at least five working days to review the materials and file a statement in response to any item contained therein.
  • President reviews the entire file via Interview Exchange and makes a determination as to renewal/non-renewal of the employee’s contract. Employee is notified in writing of the President’s determination.

Note: Employees who intend to leave the employ of the University shall give 30 days’ notice to the chief administrative officer, or the chief administrative officer’s representative. In the event that an employee fails to provide the full 30 days’ notice, it shall be within the discretion of the chief administrative office, or the chief administrative officer’s representative, to withhold from such employee’s final check an amount equal to the employee’s daily rate of pay for each day less than the required 30 days. Such action shall not constitute discipline.

Notice of Non-renewal

In the event a term appointment is not to be renewed upon expiration, the chief administrative officer or the chief administrative officer’s representative will notify the appointee in writing not less than:

  1. Forty-five calendar days prior to the end of a part-time service term appointment;
  2. Three months prior to the end of a term expiring at the end of an appointee’s first year of uninterrupted service within the University. For such employees serving on the basis of an academic year professional obligation and academic employees at the Empire State College whose terms end in June, July or August, notice shall be given no later than March 31;
  3. Six months prior to the end of a term expiring after the completion of one, but not more than two, years of an appointee’s uninterrupted service within the University. For such employees serving on the basis of an academic year, professional obligation and academic employees at the Empire State College whose terms end in June, July or August, notice shall be given no later than December 15;
  4. Twelve months prior to the expiration of a term after two or more years of uninterrupted service within the University;
  5. Six months prior to the expiration of a term for titles listed in Appendix B(1) and B(2), infra; and
  6. Employees who intend to leave the employ of the University shall give 30 days’ notice to the chief administrative officer or the chief administrative officer’s representative. In the event that an employee fails to provide the full 30 days’ notice, it shall be within the discretion of the chief administrative office or the chief administrative officer’s representative to withhold from such employee’s final check an amount equal to the employee’s daily rate of pay for each day less than the required 30 days. Such action shall not constitute discipline.

Office of Admissions

118 Bush Hall