Excellence in Teaching

Excellence in Teaching


  • Three academic years of full-time service during the last five years
  • Recipients of an excellence award may not be nominated for another excellence award within a five-year interval.
  • Recipients may not be re-nominated for an award in the same category.
  • Full-time teaching tenure or non-tenure track faculty

Selection Criteria

  • Superb classroom performance
  • Flexible instructional policy that adapts readily to student needs, interests, problems
  • Mastery of teaching techniques
  • Scholarship in own field/keeps abreast and uses relevant contemporary data in teaching
  • Evidence of publications, grants, presentations at conferences, artistic productions, etc.
  • Student services - generous with personal time, easily accessible outside of class, demonstrates continual concern for students’ intellectual growth (e.g., office hours, conferences, special meetings, student advisement).
  • Sets high standards for students and helps them attain academic excellence. Higher than average quantity and quality of work expected of students.
  • Active work with individual students to help them improve performance.