Archive: Strategic Theme Three: Academic Programs
Innovating, delivering, and sustaining relevant and cutting-edge curricula.
- Progress
Improving / Score: 3.0
- Outcome 3.1 | Promote academic policies and educational effectiveness assessment to evaluate relevant and sustainable academic programs and services.
Measure 1: Grade Distributions Across Courses / Percentage of D, F, W, I Grades
- Current (Spring 2021):
- DFWI Rate = 18.04 %
- A: 42% (n= 4866)
- B: 25% (n=2890)
- C: 15% (n=1683)
- D: 5% (n=628)
- F: 6% (n=710)
- IN/IP: 2% (n=162)
- W/WF/WP: 5% (n=578)
- DFWI Rate = 18.04 %
- Benchmark: 10%
- Score: 2
Measure 2: Credits Completed vs. Credits Attempted
- Current:
- Fall 2020: 91% (39,755 credits attempted vs. 36,332 earned)
- Spring 2021: 88% (33,799 credits attempted vs. 29,756 credits earned)
- Benchmark: 90%
- Score: 4
- Current (Spring 2021):
- Outcome 3.2 | Support the five schools within the University to deliver relevant and cutting-edge curricula, as well as effective academic partnerships and community engagement.
Measure 1: Student Rating of Course Quality as Good or Excellent (EvaluationKit)
- Current:
- Fall 2020: 83%
- Spring 2021: 85%
- Benchmark: 90%
- Score: 3
Measure 2: Students signify learning and understanding of subject matter in their course (EvaluationKit)
- Current:
- Fall 2020: 68%
- Spring 2021: 84%
- Benchmark: 90%
- Score: 3
Measure 3: Percent Pass Rates, Licensure & Certs (Nursing, Vet Sci, Welding)
- Current:
- School of Nursing:
- National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) for Pre-Licensure: 80%
- National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) for Dual Degree: 93%
- School of Veterinary and Applied Sciences:
- Veterinary Technician National Exam (VTNE): 80%
- School of Nursing:
- Benchmark:
- NCLEX: 80%
- VTNE: 73%
- Score: 4
- Current:
- Outcome 3.3 | Develop, institute, and support academic programs that are provided at non-traditional times, days, and manner.
Measure 1: Summer Student Enrollment
- Current: 697 (Summer 2021)
- Benchmark: 900
- Score: 3
- Outcome 3.4 | Offer hands-on, applied learning opportunities to students to enhance their education.
Measure 1: Student Applied Learning Participation
- Current:
- Fall 2019: 71%
- Spring 2020: 69%
- Benchmark: 80%
- Score: 3.5
- Current:
- Theme 3 Action Plans
- Compile and review data of days and times of instruction as well as classroom and lab usage; where are the opportunities? Do contracts allow alternate course schedules?
- Provost, Deans, and Program Directors to continue Academic Program Review Process first conducted by Gray Associates; bring in Enrollment Management, Budget Director, and Marketing as well.
Theme 3 Action Plans Status: 1.5
Theme 3 overall Score: 3