Archive: Strategic Theme Six: Storytelling
Advancing and participating in efforts that positively elevate the campus profile.
- Progress
Approaching / Score: 3.77
- Outcome 6.1 | Tell the SUNY Delhi story.
Measure 1: Student Satisfaction with Communication (Student Satisfaction Survey)
- Current: 3.72 on a 5 point scale
- Benchmark: 3.5
- Score: 4
Measure 2: Student Satisfaction with the Website (Student Satisfaction Survey)
- Current: 3.77 on a 5 point scale
- Benchmark: 3.5
- Score: 4
Measure 4: Number of Stories created and marketed across platforms
- Current: 52 (2020-2021)
- Benchmark: 30
- Score: 4
- Outcome 6.2 | Engage in efforts that promote SUNY Delhi students, faculty & staff, and the greater Delhi community.
Measure 1: Grants Funded vs. Applied For
- Current: 89% (2020-2021)
- Benchmark: 80%
- Score: 4
Measure 2: Foundation Gift Revenue
- Current: 5 Year Average: $1,158,105
- Benchmark: $1,150,000
- Score: 4
- Theme 6 Action Plans
- Measure social media presence and impact.
- Develop and communicate intentional procedure on how to tell our story.
- Community engagement to earn value recognition.
- Job Placement and Transfer data – where and what are our graduates doing?
- Report Card is a storytelling tool; when/how to share? How often to create?
Theme 6 Action Plan Status: 2.6
Theme 6 overall score: 3.77