Veterinary Science Technology
Veterinary Science Technology Related Club
SUNY Delhi Student Chapter of the
New York State Association of Veterinary Technicians
The purpose of this organization is to provide a social and educational organization so as to allow members to get to know each other; to promote interest with the parent organization; to create and maintain a professional image of the Veterinary Technician and his/her relationship to the Veterinarian; to enlarge the technician's knowledge of necessary skills through continuing education; to promote integrity, courtesy and honesty; to foster high ethical standards within our profession; and to promote the interests of Veterinary Technicians through state and federal legislatures. As a student of the Veterinary Science Technology program you are eligible to enroll and participate in our Club.
- As a Club, we provide many continuing education opportunities along with community service and open house hours and experience.
- By joining our Club, you will have first-hand knowledge of when all these opportunities are available, as well as get to know a great group of students whom you will spend the majority of your time with here at Delhi.
- Our Club meets every other week for a quick meeting, lasting approximately 15-20 minutes. We understand your schedules are busy with classes and studying so we try to keep meetings brief.
- Some of the activities we do on a regular basis are:
- holding a Dog Wash, 2-3 times per semester. Approximately 50 students volunteer for this event that is held on a weekend from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event is a huge success that raises money for our Club, enabling us to donate to our local animal shelter, as well as help us participate in many continuing education seminars.
- We also take approximately 25-30 students every spring to the NYS Association of Veterinary Technicians Spring Seminar which is often located in a different NY city each year. Students pay a low fee to attend this weekend-long event and the rest is subsidized by the Club with the funds we've raised throughout the year.
- You will be able to register at the beginning of the school year by attending our meetings. We will post signs letting you know when the meetings will be and when sign-ups are available.
Any questions or concerns about the Club can be directed to:
Breanna Jump, NYSAVT Club Advisor