Veterinary Science Technology
Veterinary Science Technology Faculty
Mission Statement
We, the dedicated professional educators of the flagship veterinary science technology program, strive to educate our students to be the best veterinary technicians in the nation, providing high-quality, compassionate veterinary nursing care.
We encourage the continuous growth of our students, and we seek to enhance their appreciation of the human-animal bond through their education and community service.
In generating this premier educational environment, we provide our students opportunities
to explore the broad diversity of the profession and we instill in them a passion
for lifelong learning.
The Faculty and Staff of the Veterinary Science Technology Program
Meckel, Barrett, DVM, Dean/Professor
104 Farnsworth Hall, 607-746-4306, meckelbt@delhi.edu
Balcom, Andrea, DVM, Program Director/Associate Professor
158 Farnsworth Hall, 607-746-4426, balcomak@delhi.edu
Wolfe, Judy, Office Assistant 1
104 Farnsworth Hall, 607-746-4411, wolfeje@delhi.edu
Dalby, Laura, LVT, Instructor
156 Farnsworth 607-746-4302 dalbyle@delhi.edu
DeWitt, Kathryn, AAS, LVT, Instructional Support Associate
229 Farnsworth Hall, 607-746-4433, dewittke@delhi.edu
Franks, Alan, BS, LVT, LATG, Professor
154 Farnsworth Hall, 607-746-4331, franksaf@delhi.edu
Frisbee, Elizabeth, MPH, LVT, Associate Professor
137 Farnsworth Hall, 607-746-4395, walkerea@delhi.edu
Hannum, Theresa, AAS, LVT, Instructional Support Associate
154 Farnsworth Hall, 607-746-4437, hannumtm@delhi.edu
Howard, Jacqnene, MBA, LVT, Instructor
136 Farnsworth Hall, 607-746-4305, howardja@delhi.edu
Kaschak, Lisa, BS, LVT, Instructor
156 Farnsworth Hall, 607-746-4394, kaschalc@delhi.edu
Lariviere, Laura, BS, LVT, Instructor
158 Farnsworth Hall, 607-746-4419, larivila@delhi.edu
Lukovsky, Jennifer, DVM, Associate Professor
153 Farnsworth Hall, 607-746-4423, lukovsjs@delhi.edu
Maslack, Allison, DVM, Assistant Professor
156 Farnsworth, 607-746-4333 maslacaf@delhi.edu
McKee, Erica, BBA, LVT, Facility Manager, Instructional Support Specialist
232 Farnsworth Hall, 607-746-4414, mckeeel@delhi.edu
Murphy, Katherine, DVM, Associate Professor
160 Farnsworth Hall, 607-746-4272, murphykm@delhi.edu
Ogborn, Kathleen McLean, MS, LVT, Professor
157 Farnsworth Hall, 607-746-4298, mcleankl@delhi.edu
Reinhardt, Jeanette, MA, LVT, Assistant Professor
157 Farnsworth Hall, 607-746-4408, reinhaje@delhi.edu
Retallick, Alyse, BS, LVT, Instructor
153 Farnsworth Hall, 607-746-4209, retallas@delhi.edu
Robinson, Billy, BS, LVT, Instructional Support Associate
Salerno, Genevieve, LVT, Instructor
153 Farnsworth 607-746-4439, salerngs@delhi.edu
Sherman, William, AAS, LVT, Large Animal Teaching Facility Manager, Instructional
Support Specialist
154 Farnsworth Hall, 607-746-4417, shermawm@delhi.edu
Spickerman, Patricia, BS, LVT, Instructional Support Associate
154 Farnsworth Hall, 607-746-4332, spickepm@delhi.edu
Taggart, Heather, AAS, LVT, Instructional Support Associate
207 Farnsworth Hall, 607-746-4385, taggarhm@delhi.edu