Student Code of Conduct
Statement of Philosophy
As an academic community, SUNY Delhi is committed to providing an environment which encourages educational and personal growth. Students are expected to meet academic challenges. They are also expected to develop maturity, self-sufficiency, responsibility, self-understanding, and respect for the rights of others.
Academic communities differ from other communities in several ways. First, the primary mission of educational institutions is the pursuit of knowledge. The environment must be conducive to teaching, learning, thought and research. Second, campus living environments are unique. On a residential campus such as SUNY Delhi, students live in close proximity to each other and interact continuously in their day-to-day living. The potential for noise, disruptions or other infringements upon the rights of community members is always present. While SUNY Delhi strongly supports the First Amendment rights of free speech, students should be aware of the effects of abusive or hurtful language on their classmates. Civil behavior is expected at all times.
These unique differences make it imperative that members of this academic community be particularly sensitive to the rights of others, especially the right to quiet thoughtful study. Preservation of the institution for future generations, both in its facilities and its character, is essential. Rules and regulations are necessary for the orderly conduct of the educational process.
SUNY Delhi is committed to the education of the whole person. This includes social, emotional and physical, as well as intellectual development. Consequently, the philosophy of the Code is educational in nature. Inappropriate behavior will be confronted and addressed in a positive and direct manner. Students should be well aware that behaviors which detract from the serious educational purpose of the college will not be tolerated. In particular, there are several behaviors which are considered serious enough to warrant severe disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion from the institution. These behaviors are physical violence, sale, distribution, or illegal possession of controlled substances, sexual violence, the destruction of college property, arson, harassment and sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence stalking, retaliation, bias-related crimes and disrespect for those in authority at the college.
The Student Code of Conduct also assumes the responsibility of protecting the rights of individuals accused of violating rules and regulations. This is accomplished through the establishment of procedural safeguards and counseling. Self-insight and self-initiated change of behavior are part of the disciplinary process.
Students and organizations should understand that they are subject not only to all of the rules and regulations in this Code, but are also bound by all federal, state and local laws on or off campus. The burden of proof in all student conduct cases is the preponderance of the evidence, which means it is deemed “more likely than not” that the specific policies were violated. If the evidence presented is deemed to meet this standard, then the accused is found responsible. The college reserves the right to take disciplinary action independently, regardless of the actions taken by Campus University Police and/or other police organizations. Students should also be aware that the rules and regulations found in the Student Code of Conduct are applicable to off-campus behaviors in cases where there exists a nexus with campus interests. In civil or criminal cases, the college will cooperate with both the civil authorities and the student defendant regarding background information, and no attempt will be made to protect the student from the legal consequences of their behavior.