Accessibility Procurement Requests

Accessibility Procurement Request Form


The Accessible Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) Procurment Request Form is located on the Help Desk Portal. Log in to the Help Desk Portal with your Delhi credentials to view it. You may also be prompted for Muliti Factor Authentication login when clicking and using this link. This location will also share additional information about gathering the accessibility product information. As a reminder, an Accessibility Procurement Request must be submitted for any technology used for campus operations.

Complete this form by providing all information requested, including information/documentation received from vendors. In order to complete this form, you must have an understanding of what features of a product you (or your department) anticipate using and the intended users/audience for the product. If a product’s use will vary by audience, you will need to identify the anticipated uses by audience. This form and any required attachments provide the Accessible EIT Purchasing Review Committee with the information necessary to evaluate the accessibility of a product that will be used at the college to individuals with disabilities.

EIT Officer Contact Information: 

Gabriella Vasta, Interim Director of Accessibility and Opportunity Programs
220 Bush Hall 
P: 607-746-4744

Shawn Brislin, Associate Vice President of Operations, Computer Information Systems
324B Bush Hall 
P: 607-746-4670