Ethics in Government

Ethics in Government

The New York State Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government (“The Commission”) was established on July 8, 2022 by the Ethics Commission Reform Act of 2022.

The Commission was created to restore public trust in government by ensuring compliance with the State’s ethics and lobbying laws and regulations. The Commission has jurisdiction over more than 250,000 officers and employees at State agencies and departments, including SUNY The governing provisions are set forth in §73, §73-a and §74 of the Plain Language Guide to the Public Officers Law and other related Ethics Laws.

The Commission provides information, education, and advice regarding ethics and lobbying laws and promote compliance through audits, investigations, and enforcement proceedings. It also issues formal and informal advisory opinions and promulgates regulations on the applicable laws and the effect on those subject to the Commission’s jurisdiction.

All SUNY employees should understand the ethics laws that apply to them, and the potential outside activities and conflicts of interest that they may have to disclose to their employer and manage appropriately in accordance with the laws. Useful resources can be found below:

New York State Ethics - A Plain Language Version - learn about receiving gifts, conflicts of interest, confidential information, honoraria, financial disclosure, outside activities and political activities and much more.
JCOPE “Ethics Reminders” brief and easy to understand synopsis of the laws and rules under the Commission's jurisdiction.
Tip Line - call 800-87-ETHICS (800-873-8442) or File a Complaint or Report a Tip online.