Title IX

SUNY Sexual Harassment Response and Prevention Policy Statement

All State-operated campuses and community colleges shall adopt the SUNY System Sexual Harassment Policy Statement to notify their respective community members of SUNY’s no tolerance policy for behavior that violates the sexual harassment policy.  Campuses and System Administration must ensure that appropriate investigation is made into complaints of sexual harassment and that discipline is imposed for such behavior in accordance with each entity’s policies and processes.

Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination which is unlawful in the workplace under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and the New York State Human Rights Law.  Under Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, sexual harassment also is prohibited in the provision of educational services and protects students and employees from sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment is prohibited and will not be tolerated at SUNY. The University has implemented measures to address and prevent sexual harassment and is taking additional affirmative steps to increase awareness of, and sensitivity to, all forms of sexual harassment in order to maintain a workplace and learning environment free of its harmful effects.
Sexual harassment is a form of workplace discrimination and employee misconduct, as well as a form of discrimination in the academic setting, and all employees and students are entitled to work and learn in a campus environment that prevents sexual harassment. All employees and students have a legal right to a workplace and a campus free from sexual harassment, and employees and students can enforce this right by filing a complaint internally with the University, or with a government agency, or in court under federal or state anti-discrimination laws, as detailed in the University’s Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure.

The Title IX Coordinators at SUNY Delhi are:

  • Nicole Craft, Human Resources Associate/Title IX Coordinator - for faculty/staff incidents, 103 Bush Hall, 607-746-4499, craftna@delhi.edu
  • Rebecca Harrington, Deputy Title IX Coordinator - for student concerns, Russell Hall F209, 607-746-4865, harrinrl@delhi.edu

The Title IX Coordinators oversee the processes that address reported concerns or claims of sex or gender-based harassment, discrimination, misconduct or violence. This includes working closely with Student Life, Academic Affairs, Human Resources, Health & Counseling Services, University Police and other offices to provide educational programming for the campus community, investigate claims of sexual discrimination, harassment, sexual assault, violence or misconduct, to identify the appropriate responses or resolutions as may be prescribed by policy and law.  The Title IX Coordinators will also work with the complainant(s) to assist them in accessing any appropriate internal and external support services.

For more information, please see SUNY's Sexual Harassment Response and Prevention Statement.

Complaint Procedure

Office of Admissions

118 Bush Hall