Personnel Review Committee

All SUNY Delhi positions will be evaluated to address and monitor fiscal sustainability. The Personnel Review Committee is charged with the responsibility and authority to review all faculty and staff positions. This includes full-time, part-time, and temporary positions. Requests for student assistants should be submitted through Interview Exchange and include justification for why the need is critical.

The Committee has final approval for position requests and will routinely confer with the President’s Cabinet.

The Committee has the following responsibilities:

  1. Establish a process for reviewing position requests, including criteria for exceptions.
  2. Create a web page and Hiring Freeze Exemption Form.
  3. Maintain a record of submissions and decisions.
  4. Regularly assess the financial condition of the college to inform decision-making.
  5. Examine alternatives to filling vacancies through attrition and strategic restructuring.
  6. Consult with supervisors on submitted requests.
  7. Promote transparency through open forums and other methods of communication.


  • President
  • VP for Finance and Administration
  • AVP for Finance and Auxiliary Services
  • Chief of Staff
  • Provost 


  • To submit a Hiring Freeze Exemption Request, contact Human Resources (Nicole Craft at Questions regarding the status of requests should be directed to Nicole Craft.
  • Submissions (PDFs) are transferred into Teams. A spreadsheet will be updated as requests are made.
  • The Committee meets weekly to discuss and review submissions. Additional follow-up questions for the requestor and their VP may be necessary.
  • Decisions are made on the last Wednesday of each month, the document should be submitted no later than end of business the Monday prior to meeting date.
  • Human Resources (either Nicole Craft or Ruth Ehrets) will email the requestor the Committee’s decision.

Additional information:

  • Kenny Fass supports the web page and form.
  • Kathy Hibbard supports the transfer of submissions into Teams and updates the spreadsheet.
  • Orgazational Chart 
Office of Admissions

118 Bush Hall