Extraordinary Weather Conditions
Extraordinary Weather Conditions
SUNY Delhi, as with other State agencies, can only be “closed” by the Governor. Local government officials, police and radio and television stations and campus officials do not have authority to close State offices or facilities. If weather conditions warrant, the President of the College, or his designee, may decide to cancel classes. The following media will also be notified about conditions that affect the normal operations:
- Radio Stations: WDHI (100.3 FM), WDLA (92.1 FM/1270 AM), WDOS (730 AM) and WSRK (103.9 FM), and WIOX (91.3 FM)
- Television Stations: Albany (CBS Channel 6), Binghamton (CBS Channel 12)
- Information on the status of campus operations is also available on www.delhi.edu.
- Members of the campus community who have signed up for RAVE Mobile Alerts will also directly receive a notification if classes are canceled or delayed.
On the rare occasion when a faculty member may need to cancel an individual class, the faculty member will need to notify their Dean and school secretary by phone (or voicemail), and also email their Dean, school secretary, PD, and students.