New & Incoming Transfer Student Housing
New & Incoming Transfer Student Housing
For Students New to On-Campus Housing Spring 2023
Students who have been accepted to SUNY Delhi and have paid their $50 tuition deposit and $100 housing deposit will be sent an email to their Delhi email address and a postcard instructing them to access the Student Housing Management System (HMS) to complete the online housing agreement and request form for the Spring 2023 semester.
- Students log in to the Student Housing Management System using their SUNY Delhi Single Sign On (SSO) Credentials. A students SSO credentials are their SUNY Delhi email address and password.
Students should have access to complete their housing agreement and request form after 12 p.m. EST the next business day after payment of their housing deposit. Please be aware that it can sometimes take an extra day for all offices to update their records to allow access.
All students who letting you know when assignments have been posted. You will be able to log into the Student Housing Management System (HMS) at that point to view your housing assignment, including information regarding your roommate(s).
Students will not receive a housing assignment unless they have completed the housing agreement and request form.
First Year Experience Housing
Students in their first year of college will have additional programming and emphasis in the residence halls related to the themes of:
- Academic Success
- Building Community
- Transition to College
- Success after the First Year of College
Students selecting this option will be housed in O'Connor Hall. For more information, contact the Office of Residence Life at 607-746-4630.
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Medical Accommodations

Catskill Hall is an upper division Residence Hall available to continuing students, transfer students, and incoming international students. To be eligible to live in Catskill, you must have at least 15 earned academic credits and no significant judicial history.
Read More About Catskill Hall >
Gerry Hall was the first residence hall built at SUNY Delhi. The building is named after Angelica L. Gerry of Lake Delaware, NY, an individual who had shown great generosity to SUNY Delhi for many years. Gerry is pronounced with a hard "g" sound, not a "j" sound.
Read More About Gerry Hall >
DuBois Hall is named after the second President of SUNY Delhi, who served from 1917 to 1929, and it is pronounced "doo-boys." DuBois Hall houses 235 students in an L-shaped building. Student rooms are located along both sides of long corridor hallways.
Read More About DuBois Hall >
Murphy Hall is the sister building to O'Connor Hall. It is a four-story residence hall with a large lounge in the center of the building. Student rooms are located along the corridors with four common bathrooms and shower facilities per floor.
Read More About Murphy Hall >
The name of the building is from a local family that has been very generous in their support of SUNY Delhi. The same family runs the "O'Connor Foundation," which is a philanthropic endowment that benefits the residents of Delaware County, NY.
Read More About O'Connor Hall >
Russell Hall is the largest residence hall at SUNY Delhi, housing approximately twice as many students as any of the other halls. Despite its overall size, there are small, close-knit environments on each floor
Read More About Russell Hall >