Professional Staff
Professional Staff
All general inquires can be directed to the Residence Life Office at (607) 746-4630 or reslife@delhi.edu.
Jason Fishner
Director of Residence Life/Adjunct Instructor
Leslie Barger
Associate Director of Residence Life
Mairéad Murray
Assistant Director for Residential Education and First Year Programs / Residence Hall
Director, Russell Hall/Adjunct Instructor
Gina Wowk
Residential Academic Advisor / Residence Hall Director, Catskill Hall & Riverview
Sebastian DeCresenzo
Residence Hall Director, DuBois Hall
Kevin Meyenhofer
Residence Hall Director, Gerry Hall
Sean Babcock
Residence Hall Director, Murphy Hall/Adjunct Instructor
Emma Trammell
Residence Hall Director for First Year Experience, O'Connor Hall
Casey Davis
Residence Hall Director, Russell Hall
Residence Hall RA Office Phone Numbers:
Residence Hall: | Phone Number: |
Catskill Hall | 607-746-4852 |
DuBois Hall | 607-746-4285 |
Gerry Hall | 607-746-4295 |
Murphy Hall | 607-746-4288 |
O'Connor Hall | 607-746-4291 |
Riverview Townhouses | 607-832-4100 |
Russell Hall | 607-746-4290 |
*RA office hours do not follow the traditional 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. work day. Please call the Residence Hall Director if you are looking to speak with a professional staff member.
Residence Hall Directors
Each residence hall is administered by a professional staff member, the Residence Hall Director (RD), who lives in and has an office within the hall. The RDs are responsible for the overall operation of their residence hall. They deal with a multitude of tasks, such as setting community standards, enforcing the Student Code of Conduct, supervising the RAs, and individually counseling or referring students to other services on campus. The RD is an advisor to students and coordinates the educational, social, cultural, and recreation programs in the hall.
One RD is on duty for all the residence halls from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m., Monday through Friday, and 24 hours a day on weekends; they should be contacted for more serious problems. Students should first attempt to contact the RA on duty in their hall. In case of emergency, students should contact University Police; from a campus phone, simply dial 4700; from any other phone, dial 607-746-4700. University Police will contact the RD on duty.

Catskill Hall is an upper division Residence Hall available to continuing students, transfer students, and incoming international students. To be eligible to live in Catskill, you must have at least 15 earned academic credits and no significant judicial history.
Read More About Catskill Hall >
Gerry Hall was the first residence hall built at SUNY Delhi. The building is named after Angelica L. Gerry of Lake Delaware, NY, an individual who had shown great generosity to SUNY Delhi for many years. Gerry is pronounced with a hard "g" sound, not a "j" sound.
Read More About Gerry Hall >
DuBois Hall is named after the second President of SUNY Delhi, who served from 1917 to 1929, and it is pronounced "doo-boys." DuBois Hall houses 235 students in an L-shaped building. Student rooms are located along both sides of long corridor hallways.
Read More About DuBois Hall >
Murphy Hall is the sister building to O'Connor Hall. It is a four-story residence hall with a large lounge in the center of the building. Student rooms are located along the corridors with four common bathrooms and shower facilities per floor.
Read More About Murphy Hall >
The name of the building is from a local family that has been very generous in their support of SUNY Delhi. The same family runs the "O'Connor Foundation," which is a philanthropic endowment that benefits the residents of Delaware County, NY.
Read More About O'Connor Hall >
Russell Hall is the largest residence hall at SUNY Delhi, housing approximately twice as many students as any of the other halls. Despite its overall size, there are small, close-knit environments on each floor
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