Title IX
Who do I go to?
The Title IX Coordinators at SUNY Delhi are:
- Nicole Craft, Human Resources Associate - for Faculty/Staff incidents, 105 Bush Hall, 607-746-4499, craftna@delhi.edu
- Rebecca Harrington, Deputy Title IX Coordinator - for Student Concerns, 607-746-4865, harrinrl@delhi.edu
The Title IX Coordinators oversee the processes that address reported concerns or claims of sex or gender based harassment, discrimination, misconduct or violence. This includes working closely with Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, Human Resources, Counseling & Health Services, University Police and other offices to provide educational programming for the campus community, investigate claims of sexual discrimination, harassment, sexual assault, violence or misconduct, to identify the appropriate responses or resolutions as may be prescribed by policy and law. The Title IX coordinators will also work with the complainant(s) to assist them in accessing any appropriate internal and external support services.
The college is committed to ensuring a community that is safe for all who study, live, work and visit here. We understand that sexual discrimination, harassment, assault, misconduct or violence may be difficult to report but immediate reporting allows for the best possible efforts to support victims, and to investigate and address the claim. Delays in reporting may limit the type or effectiveness of responses from the college, law enforcement and external resources.
The Title IX Coordinators help plan various public awareness and advocacy events that occur on campus. If an individual discloses an incident through a public awareness event, SUNY Delhi is not obligated to begin an investigation based on such information. We may use the information provided to inform efforts for additional education and prevention efforts and offer resources.
Requesting Confidentiality:
How SUNY Delhi Will Weigh the Request and Respond
If you disclose an incident to a SUNY Delhi employee who is responsible for responding to or reporting sexual violence or sexual harassment, but wish to maintain confidentiality, or do not consent to the institution's request to initiate an investigation, the Title IX Coordinator must weigh your request against our obligation to provide a safe, non-discriminatory environment for all members of our community, including you.
We will assist you with academic, housing, transportation, employment, and other reasonable and available accommodations regardless of your reporting choices. While victims/survivors may request accommodations through several college offices, the following office can serve as a primary point of contact to assist with these measures: Student Rights and Responsibilities, by contacting Rebecca Harrington, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Russell Hall F209, 607-746-4465, harrinrl@delhi.edu. We also may take proactive steps, such as training or awareness efforts, to combat sexual violence in a general way that does not identify you or the situation you disclosed.
We may seek consent from you prior to conducting an investigation. You may decline to consent to an investigation, and that determination will be honored unless SUNY Delhi's failure to act may result in harm to you or other members of the SUNY Delhi community. Honoring your request may limit our ability to meaningfully investigate and pursue conduct action against an accused individual. If we determine that an investigation is required, we will notify you and take immediate action as necessary to protect and assist you.
When you disclose an incident to someone who is responsible for responding to or reporting sexual violence or sexual harassment, but wish to maintain confidentiality, SUNY Delhi will consider many factors to determine whether to proceed despite that request. These factors include, but are not limited to:
- Whether the accused has a history of violent behavior or is a repeat offender;
- Whether the incident represents escalation, such as a situation that previously involved sustained stalking, the increased risk that the accused will commit additional acts of violence;
- Whether the accused used a weapon or force;
- Whether the victim/survivor is a minor; and
- Whether we possess other means to obtain evidence such as security footage, and whether the report reveals a pattern of perpetration at a given location or by a particular group.
Privacy Versus Confidentiality
Even SUNY Delhi offices and employees who cannot guarantee confidentiality will maintain your privacy to the greatest extent possible. The information you provide to a non-confidential resource will be relayed only as necessary to investigate and/or seek a resolution and to notify the Title IX Coordinator or designee, who is responsible under the law for tracking patterns and spotting systemic issues. SUNY Delhi will limit the disclosure as much as possible, even if the Title IX Coordinator determines that the request for confidentiality cannot be honored.
- Cannot re-disclose any information provided by a reporting individual.
- Medical providers; licensed mental health counselors; clergy; off-campus counselors and advocates. The above must be acting in the capacity of these roles when learning of a report in order to maintain confidentiality.
- Counseling & Health Services: 607-746-4690 · Foreman Hall · healthservices@delhi.edu
- Campus Ministry: 607-746-4239 Safe Against Violence: 607-746-6278 Safe Against Violence 24-Hour Hotline: 866-457-7233
- Do not disclose any personally identifiable information to police or campus officials, but provide aggregate data to the Title IX Coordinator as required by law.
- Counselors without licenses; Employees at a campus advocacy center, including a women’s center or crime victim assistance center; Administrative staff at counseling, health, and advocacy centers.
- Will limit disclosure as much as possible while complying with the law and SUNY Delhi policy, which requires notifying the Title IX Coordinator or designee of all known details.
- All college employees besides confidential resources and non-professional counselors and advocates; including Deans, Resident Advisors, Residence Directors, Academic Advisors, Faculty and more.