Title IX
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits all forms of sex discrimination in any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Title IX protects you from sex discrimination in academics, activities, admissions, athletics, financial assistance, housing, recruitment and employment. It protects you both on and off campus.
Campus Resources
- Health and Counseling: 607-746-4690
- University Police: 607-746-4700 (24 hours)
- NY State Police University Hotline: 844-845-7269
- Student Life Office: 607-746-4440
- Student Rights and Responsibilities: 607-746-4443
- Campus Ministry: Farrell Student & Community Center: 607-746-4239
- Residence Life: 607-746-4690
Local Resources
- Delhi Village Police: 607-746-2249
- Delaware County Sheriff : 607-746-2336
- O'Connor Hospital : 607-746-0300 (24 hours)
- MCAT - Mobile Crisis Assessment Team: 877-369-6699 or 844-732-6228 (24 hours)
- Safe Against Violence : 866-457-7233 or 607-746-6278
- Rape Crisis Hotline: 607-746-6278
State & National Resources
- New York State Police : 607-432-3211 (24 hours)
- Suicide Prevention Crisis Counseling: 1-866-488-7386
- New York State Crime Victims Board , Albany: 518-457-8727
- New York State Domestic Violence Hotline : 800-942-9606
- Family Planning of South Central NY : 607-432-2250
- Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York: 607-433-2600 or 800-821-9895
- NYS Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- Culture of Respect.org
- Rape Abuse & Incest National Network : 800-856-4673
- Not Alone White House Task Force
- Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence : 1-800-942-6906; In NYC: 1-800-621-4673 or dial 311 TTY: 1-866-604-5350
- File a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education
Additional Resources
- Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-844-845-7269
- Victim Bill of Rights
- For students studying or traveling outside of NYS
- For international students in the US
- For Plain Language Distinction between NYS Penal Law & College Disciplinary Process (pdf)
Sexual Assault & Violence Response Resources
Discrimination Resources
- Discrimination Complaint Procedure page for students
- Discrimination Complaint Procedure page for faculty/staff
- Charge of Discrimination (pdf)
- Non-Discrimination
- Domestic Violence and the Workplace Violence Policy
- Student Handbook
- Student Code of Conduct
- Faculty and Staff Handbook
Additional Information
- Campus Safety Tips
- Clery Act
- Employee Assistance Program
- Rape Aggression Defense R.A.D.
- Safe Against Violence
- The Trevor Project for LGBTQ young adults, friends & allies