Before Travel
Before Travel
Carefully review the following as you are planning your trip. Click here to review Spending Justification info.
1. Request a NYS Travel Card
For employees who plan on traveling at least once a year:
- Submit a Chase NYS Visa Card Application Form at least six weeks in advance of any travel.
- If approved, a card will be ordered and an email will be sent when the card is ready to be picked up.
- You must complete training on Online Delhi and sign an Acknowledgment/Agreement Form before the card will be given to you. Please contact to have the SUNY Delhi Non-Employee Travel (NET) & Travel Card Training added to your Online Delhi course page to complete.
- Review the Non-Employee Travel/Travel Card Policies & Guidelines section of the Travel Manual.
2. Request a Fleet Vehicle
- All fleet vehicle requests should be made at least ten days prior to travel through the Event Management System (EMS).
- When a traveler is approved to use a fleet vehicle for business travel, a Vehicle Use Confirmation Form (sent to the traveler via email) will have approved travel dates, the four-digit fuel credit card PIN, a pre/post trip checklist, and instructions on how to pick up the assigned vehicle’s keys.
- In the event that a fleet vehicle is unavailable, a Vehicle Use Denial Form (sent
to the traveler via email) must be submitted with the Travel Request.
- Please review the Personal Owned Vehicle and Car Rentals sections of the Travel Policies & Guidelines.
3. Complete & Submit a Travel Request
The Travel Request Form should be submitted before the travel departure date for any travel in regard to State business that is more than 35 miles from both your official station and your home, even if you are not requesting reimbursement. You are not guaranteed reimbursement if a Travel Request is not submitted prior to travel.
The Travel Request is used as confirmation that you have permission to travel and that there is sufficient funding. The traveler and supervisor/account administrator should verify their funding sources before committing to any expenses associated with the trip. If the expenses incurred while traveling are more than what was authorized on the Travel Request, a traveler will only receive up to the total of the amount allowable by the supervisor or account administrator unless we are notified in writing otherwise.
Follow this link for the Travel Request form: Travel Request Form in TDX
Submitted with the Travel Request should be…
- Event program/agenda/invitation or schedule of events (if available at the time)
- Approved Request to Exceed Maximum Lodging Rates Form (if necessary; check per diems!)
- Fleet Vehicle Use Denial Form
- Any receipts for authorized prepaid charges with a NET/Travel Card