Travel at Delhi

It is the responsibility of the traveler, the traveler’s supervisor, and account administrators to know the State and college travel rules, regulations, policies, and procedures. Please review all of the information in our Travel Policies & Guidelines before travel. If you have any questions, contact the Purchasing and Accounts Payable Office at extension 4500.

Please send notice via email to if there are any changes to your travel plans after submitting a Travel Request.

Personal Car Mileage Reimbursement Rates

When using your own car for State business, you will be reimbursed a specified rate for mileage. This rate includes all charges for gas, oil, maintenance, repairs, and insurance on your car. No other charges will be reimbursed. A Vehicle Use Denial, Statement of Automobile Travel, and Car Rental Calculator worksheet (for trips exceeding 100 miles) must be attached with your Travel Voucher AC132-S for mileage reimbursement to be considered. The following mileage rates are in effect:

January 1 - December 31, 2025

  • $0.70  per mile if the use of a privately-owned automobile is authorized or if no Government-furnished automobile is available.
  • $0.21 per mile if a Government-furnished automobile is available.

January 1 - December 31, 2024

  • $0.67  per mile if the use of a privately-owned automobile is authorized or if no Government-furnished automobile is available.
  • $0.21 per mile if a Government-furnished automobile is available.

January 1 - December 31, 2023

  • $0.655  per mile if the use of a privately-owned automobile is authorized or if no Government-furnished automobile is available.
  • $0.22 per mile if a Government-furnished automobile is available.

Breakdown for Per Diem Meal Allowances*

Lodging rates and meal per diems are established by the federal government and are updated October 1 of each year; meal per diems are calculated as dinner the night you sleep and breakfast the next morning. Travelers should not use the 'First & Last Day of Travel' rates when calculating meal per diems, and should instead only use the number under 'M&IE Total' found on the GSA website.

  • You are entitled to an extra breakfast if your departure time is before 7 a.m. and an extra dinner if your return time is after 7 p.m.
  • Meals provided or paid for by another source related to the event will not be reimbursed.
Daily Meal Allowances 20% for Breakfast 80% for Dinner
$92 Meal Allowance $18.00 $74.00
$86 Meal Allowance $17.00 $69.00
$80 Meal Allowance $16.00 $64.00
$74 Meal Allowance $15.00 $59.00
$68 Meal Allowance $14.00 $54.00

*Incidental expenses such as tips to bellmen, hotel maids, porters, wait staff, etc., are included in the allowances.

General Pre-Trip Reminders

Always Keep Your Receipts

  • When you return from travel, we will need your lodging receipt(s) for proof that you paid for lodging on the trip and to calculate the per diem for your meals (without needing meal receipts).
  • We require original itemized receipts for any and all charges made on your State-Issued NET/Travel Card (this includes meals) or State Vehicle Gas Card.

Conference Agendas

  • An event program/agenda/invitation or schedule of events must be provided for any conferences or events you attend.
  • Not just the cover, we need an actual agenda. (Try not to kill any more trees than necessary.)
  • This is used to verify that no meals or lodging were included in the registration fees and therefore shouldn’t be directly reimbursed to the traveler.

Sharing a Room

  • If you share a room, each traveler must pay their own portion and provide their own hotel receipt to receive the meal per diem.
  • Without a lodging receipt or justification that lodging was provided, you will be reimbursed using the un-receipted lodging (method 1) rates.

New York State Lodging Tax

  • For travel within New York State, a NYS Hotel Tax Exempt Certificate (ST-129) must be used.
  • For travel outside of New York State, state and local taxes are not included in the maximum lodging amount and will be reimbursed in addition to the per diem amount.
Office of Admissions

118 Bush Hall