Damage Appeal

Resident Assistant Application Process

Resident Assistant Application

Resident Assistants (RAs)

Resident Assistants are full-time students who serve as peer mentors, organize events and enforce policy. They help maintain a conducive study and living environment for approximately 30-35 students. They are knowledgeable about the college, its resources and personnel, and are available to counsel students on their residence floor. RAs are students carefully selected for their leadership and communication skills. They receive training in problem solving and emergency response. Their academic performance is also considered in the selection process. If students have questions or problems, they should consult first with their RA. RAs are also required to maintain a minimum GPA of 2.50 and have a clean disciplinary record.

The Resident Assistant position is an exciting opportunity available to students that will help you grow and discover your inner leadership potential. As an RA, you will gain valuable experience working with staff, building a community in your residence hall, mediating conflicts, and planning programs, all while improving yourself for future employment opportunities. Please take a few minutes to read over the information below and feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Please Keep in Mind

  • You must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.50 as a student of SUNY Delhi. Resident Assistants' GPAs are checked at the end of every semester for continued eligibility.
  • In order to be eligible to work as a Resident Assistant, you must be in good judicial standing. Students not in good judicial standing are still eligible to apply for a Resident Assistant position and can be offered a position once they return to good judicial standing.

How to Apply

Step 1: Fill out an application through delhi.erezlife.com under the applications and forms tab.


Step 2: Fill out an application through the Human Resources webpage. This part of the application is currently not up yet. We will update candidates once it is available. 

SUNY Delhi Interview Exchange

Under the resume section, you can choose to submit a current resume or upload a blank doc, the resume is not required.

Step 3: Complete an individual interview. Once you have applied, a Professional Staff Member in Residence Life will reach out to set up an interview in March. Individual interviews will be held between March 24th-28th.

Step 4: Complete the group process interview on Monday, March 31st 6:30pm-8:30pm. Location: Sanford Hall


The application is now open for Fall 2025! Please contact trammeeg@delhi.edu for questions.