Fall Class Schedule

Fall Class Schedule

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Fall 2024 Sessions

Session Term Dates
"1" Session Full Term August 26 - December 13
"3" Session Off-Site Term August 26 - December 13
"A" Session First-Half Term August 26 - October 11
"B" Session Second-Half Term October 21 - December 06
"J" Session Special Term August 26 - October 14
"K" Session Special Term October 21 - December 06

Full-Time Student

  • Undergraduate students must be registered for a minimum of twelve (12) credits to be a full-time student. If they are unable to register for at least 12 credits, they are advised to see their academic advisor for alternate suggestions. Not being enrolled full time could jeopardize housing, financial aid, insurance, billing, etc. The final responsibility for meeting program requirements rests with the student. Half-time status for undergraduates is six (6) credits.
  • Graduate students must be registered for at least nine (9) credits to be considered a full-time student. Half-time status for graduate students is five (5) credits.

Class Schedule Changes

SUNY Delhi may change class schedule information at any time. SUNY Delhi reserves the right to cancel any course because of insufficient enrollment or other reasons. Because the class schedule is a dynamic document, student schedules may change. All students should re-review their schedule prior to the start of the new term.


Students need 2 PINs to register: (1) General Student PIN, which will be their PIN while attending SUNY Delhi. The General PIN is used to log in to Bronco Web. (2) Alternate PIN, which will change every semester for registration purposes. The alternate PIN is only available from the student’s academic advisor.


Several offices at SUNY Delhi have the authority to place holds on student records. These holds may impact a student’s ability to register or add/drop and/or to receive official transcripts, diplomas, or statements of degree. Please take care of all holds before trying to register.

Days of the Week

  • M = Monday 
  • T = Tuesday 
  • W = Wednesday
  • R = Thursday
  • F = Friday
  • S = Saturday
  • U = Sunday

Building Codes

Code Building
ALUMNI Alumni Hall
ATEC1 Plumbing Laboratory
ATEC2 Refrigeration Laboratory
ATEC3 Welding Laboratory
ATEC5 Electrical Technologies Center
BUBBLE Air Structure - Sports
BUSHHL Bush Hall
CATSKL Catskill Hall
DECKER Decker Automotive Laboratory
DY-BRN Dairy Barn
DUB-HL DuBois Hall
ETOWER Evenden Tower
FARNHL Farnsworth Hall
FMSR College Farm Laboratory
FRL-HL Farrell Hall
INT Internet Class, no physical location
KNSELA Kunsela Hall
MDN-HL MacDonald Hall
OCO-HL O'Connor Hall
OFF-NR Off Campus
OFF-OT Off Campus
SAN-HL Sanford Hall
SMI-HL Smith Hall
SOU-HL South Hall
SPORTS Clark Field House
TBA To Be Announced
THR-HL Thurston Hall
TURF Turf Center
ONLINE Online Course
Non-Standard Section Codes
SCH, SCO, SO2 Schenectady County CC
INT, IN1, 2, 3, etc. Internet Courses


Fall 2024 Merged Sections (Online Delhi)

Sometimes faculty will combine sections in Online Delhi. This section notifies students of the courses/sections that share an online course shell for the fall 2024 term:
Course CRNs Instructor(s)
AECT 360 15282, 15613 D. Hultenius
AECT 380 15347, 15462 J. Foster
ARCH 125 15351, 15352, 15353, 15354 M. McAneny, L. Davison, G. Evans
ARCH 210 15763, 16500 M. Tweed
BIOL 218 15638, 15639, 15640, 15641, 15642, 15643, 15644 J. Reinhardt
BIOL 240/340 15606, 15952 D. Jayakumar
BUSI 110 15014, 15060 L. Blocker
BUSI 337 16015, 16157 N. Pickett
BUSI 347 16003, 16155 D. Gulotty
CITA 110 15122, 15210, 15629 L. Smith
CITA 330 15140, 15200 L. Smith
CJUS 100 16270, 16328 E. Bishop
CNST 110 15067, 15722 A. Brownell
ECMT 120 16318, 15245 E. Hall
ECMT 140 15059, 16319 N. Sinstack
EDUC 210, 211 16457, 16458 A. Slating
ENGL 100 16019; 15435 E. Wagner
HIST 100 16352, 16354 H. Schwartz
HIST 105 15296, 15534 T. Hamblin
HLTH 303 15916, 16420 L. Smith
HOSP 130 15031, 15118, 15232 L. Blocker
MATH 115 15035, 15036 J. Erickson
MATH 115 15037, 15039 P. May
MATH 128 15181, 16501 J. Erickson
MATH 128 15405, 15667, 15473 P. May
MATH 128 15149, 15173 M. Liddle
MATH 128 15388, 16168 M. Evans
MATH 139 15234, 16102 M. Evans
MECH 130 16029, 16035 D. Aikens
NURS 101 15501, 15502 Krzyston/DeCotes
NURS 110 15540, 15541 Maddalone/DeCotes
NURS 120 15542, 15543, 16370, 16075, 16372, 16376, 16076, 16379, 16374, 16380, 16383 Multiple
NURS 230 15040, 15595, 16392, 16389, 16393, 16390, 16394, 16391, 16505, 16512 Multiple
NURS 604/610 16048, 16490 Boyd
NURS 605/611 16053, 16491 Boyd
SRMT 100 15961, 15962, 15963 Laine, McKee, Branigan
SRMT 110 15967, 15968 M. Branigan
SRMT 130 15969, 15970 M. Branigan
VETS 104 15827, 15828, 15829, 15830, 15831, 15832, 15833, 15834, 15835, 15836 E. McKee
VETS 115 15168, 15171, 15172, 15383, 15480, 15552 A. Retallick
VETS 115 15169, 16477, 16244 A. Retallick
VETS 120 15314, 15588 L. Lariviere
VETS 121 16486, 16487 L. Lariviere
VETS 131 15417, 16203, 15418, 15419, 15420, 15512 L. Bruno Kaschak
VETS 131 16479, 16480 C. Millett
VETS 132 15539, 15634, 15635, 15636 A. Maslack
VETS 210 15677, 15678, 15679, 15680 J. Howard
VETS 235 15321, 15322 A. Balcom
VETS 242 15673, 15826, 15675, 15674, 15265 K. Murphy
VETS 245 15055, 15056, 15451, 15134  A. Maslack
VETS 270 15737, 16006 K. Ogborn
VETS 289 16348, 16452 A. Retallick

List updated: August 27, 2024