Spring Class Schedule

Spring Class Schedule

Tips for Registration Success

  • Carefully review your entire schedule once it is complete, again at the beginning of the term, and any time you make a change.
  • Consider using the online searchable class schedule to locate class sections that match your degree requirements.

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Spring 2025 Sessions

Sessions Terms Dates
"1" Session Full Term January 21 - May 16
"A" Session First Half Term January 21 - March 17
"B" Session Last Half Term March 18 - May 12
"J" Session Special Term January 21 - March 11
"K" Session Special Term March 24 - May 12

Merged Sections (Online Delhi)

Sometimes faculty will combine sections in Online Delhi. This section notifies students of the courses/sections that share an online course shell for the spring 2025 semester:

This list updated as of December 11, 2024

Course CRNs Instructor
AECT 480 Reinforced Concrete Design 13310, 13625 Hultenius
ARCH 240 Architectural Design II 13039, 13111 Dehne
ECMT 142 Electrical Codes & Standards II 13055, 13237 Sinstack
ECMT 160 Electrical System Design II 13015, 13235 D. Krzyston
HIST 100 Early American History 14279, 14335 Schwartz
HIST 105 Modern American History 14162, 14278 Schwartz
HLTH 301 Quality/Risk in Health Care Management 13814, 13969 Gulotty
HOSP 234 Professional Experience 1 14178, 14179 Blocker, Smith
MATH 115 Statistics 13471, 13501, 14364 Erickson
MATH 115 Statistics 13473, 13474 May
MATH 128 College Algebra 13107, 13153 Erickson
MATH 150 Pre-Calculus 13245, 14032 May
NURS 125 Practicum II 13030, 13528, 14329 Multiple
REST 190 Food & Beverage Cost Control 13012, 13240, 14108 Blocker
VETS 210 Clinical Lab Techniques 13638, 13639, 13640 Howard
VETS 216 Diversity Equity and Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine 14097, 14098 Howard
VETS 216 Diversity Equity and Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine 14259, 14260, 14261, 14262, 14263 Reinhardt
VETS 235 Farm Animal Nursing Lab 13175, 13177 Balcom, Sherman
VETS 242 Companion Animal Dentistry 13134, 13188, 13189, 13877 Murphy

Full-Time Students

  • Undergraduate students must be registered for a minimum of twelve (12) credits to be a full-time student. If they are unable to register for at least 12 credits, they are advised to see their academic advisor for alternate suggestions. Not being enrolled full time could jeopardize housing, financial aid, insurance, billing, etc. The final responsibility for meeting program requirements rests with the student. Half-time status for undergraduates is six (6) credits.
  • Graduate students must be registered for at least nine (9) credits to be considered a full-time student. Half-time status for graduate students is five (5) credits.

Class Schedule Changes

SUNY Delhi may change class schedule information at any time. SUNY Delhi reserves the right to cancel any course because of insufficient enrollment or other reasons. Because the class schedule is a dynamic document, student schedules may change. All students should re-review their schedule prior to the start of the new term.


Students need 2 PINs to register: (1) General Student PIN, which will be their PIN while attending SUNY Delhi. The General PIN number is used to log in to Bronco Web. (2) Alternate PIN, which will change every semester for registration purposes. The alternate PIN is only available from the student's academic advisor.


Several offices at SUNY Delhi have the authority to place holds on student records. These holds may impact a student's ability to register or add/drop and/or to receive official transcripts, diplomas, or statements of degree. Please take care of all holds before trying to register.

Days of the Week

  • M = Monday 
  • T = Tuesday 
  • W = Wednesday
  • R = Thursday
  • F = Friday
  • S = Saturday
  • U = Sunday

Building Codes

Code Building
ALUMNI Alumni Hall
ATEC1 Plumbing Laboratory
ATEC2 Refrigeration Laboratory
ATEC3 Welding Laboratory
ATEC5 Electrical Technologies Center
BUBBLE Air Structure - Sports
BUSHHL Bush Hall
CATSKL Catskill Hall
DECKER Decker Automotive Laboratory
DY-BRN Dairy Barn
DUB-HL DuBois Hall
ETOWER Evenden Tower
FARNHL Farnsworth Hall
FMSR College Farm Laboratory
FRL-HL Farrell Hall
INT Internet Class, no physical location
KNSELA Kunsela Hall
MDN-HL MacDonald Hall
OCO-HL O'Connor Hall
OFF-NR Off Campus
OFF-OT Off Campus
SAN-HL Sanford Hall
SMI-HL Smith Hall
SOU-HL South Hall
SPORTS Clark Field House
TBA To Be Announced
THR-HL Thurston Hall
TURF Turf Center
ONLINE Online Course
Non-Standard Section Codes
SCH, SCO, SO2 Schenectady County CC Partnership
INT, IN1, 2, 3, etc. Internet Courses