January Term

January Term

J-Term Classes: December 16, 2024 - January 10, 2025

  • Don't wait to register! Decisions will be made in early December about which classes will run. The college reserves the right to cancel any course which does not have sufficient enrollment.
  • All January term classes are taught online through Online Delhi.
  • Broadband internet access is required; dial-up is not sufficient.
  • No additional financial aid is available for J-Term. If you receive financial aid for J-Term, it will reduce your spring aid.
  • J-Term runs for 4 weeks. (Full semester classes run 15 weeks.) Students should be prepared to devote 7-8 hours each day to class work to be successful. 
  • Academic Deadlines for J-term are published on the Academic Calendar. Click on any "Winter Session" calendar item to open it and see all deadlines (last day to add, last day to drop, etc.) for the session.

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How to Register

Degree Students: Self-Service Registration on Bronco Web

All currently enrolled degree students who wish to register for J-Term 2024 should contact their academic advisor and obtain their J-Term alternate PIN and registration appointment date. Current degree students will be permitted to register for J-Term in Bronco Web. Your registration time ticket for J-term starts at the same time/day as your registration time ticket for spring.

The last day to register for J-term in Bronco Web is Friday, December 13, 2024. All changes after December 13 (adds or drops) must be done on paper add/drop forms through the Registrar's Office with the necessary approvals.

Students should contact their academic advisors to confirm that the course they have selected fulfills degree and/or Gen Ed requirements.

Register Now

Non-Degree and Visiting Students

All non-degree/non-matriculated students or visiting students who wish to register for J-Term should complete the Registration Form beginning November 1. When completing the form, be sure to include the course number, CRN, course title, credit hours, your email address, signature and the date. Registration will open December 1 and registrations will be completed in the order in which they are received.

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Tuition and Fee Schedule

Up to 11.99 credits (Undergraduate* Credit) 3 Credits 4 Credits 6 Credits
Part-time tuition In-State $885.00 $1180.00 $1770.00
Part-time tuition Out-Of-State Associate $1383.00 $1844.00 $2766.00
Part-time tuition Out-Of-State Bachelor $2145.00 $2860.00 $4290.00
Part-time tuition Out-Of-State Online $1059.00 $1412.00 $2118.00
College Fee $5.10 $6.80 $10.20
Technology Fee $47.25 $63.00 $94.50

*These amounts are for undergraduate courses. If you are enrolled in a graduate-level course, please contact Student Accounts for graduate-level tuition and fees.

Tuition Refund Policy

Date Span (See notes below for how to drop a course) Amount of Refund
First two (2) days of classes (December 16-17, 2024) 100% refund
Remainder of First Week (December 18-22, 2024) 50% refund
2nd Week through the Last Day to Drop (December 23 2024-January 03 2025) No refund

Dropping/Withdrawal from J-Term Classes

The Registrar's Office, 124 Bush Hall, must receive written notification of a student dropping or withdrawing from a January term class. Written notification via email from the student's Delhi email address to registrar@delhi.edu will be accepted. This procedure also applies to individuals who drop a course prior to the first day of classes. If you register for a course and decide not to take it before it begins, you must contact the Registrar's Office in writing to be removed from the course. If you do not officially drop or withdraw from the course, and do not attend the class, you will earn a grade of "F" on your transcript. Deadlines for dropping/withdrawing are published on the Academic Calendar.

Other Information

  • Textbooks may be ordered for January Term classes online through the SUNY Delhi Campus Store. If you have questions, you may call the textbook department of the Campus Store at 607-746-4764.
  • Housing on campus is NOT available during January Term.
  • The Resnick Library will be open Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Updates to our service availability will be on the library website and Delhi Today.
  • Library catalogs and research databases are available 24x7 on the Library's website. To access these resources while off campus, you will be prompted to log in with the same username and password you use for Online Delhi. Librarians are available on a limited basis during the weekdays by email (at library@delhi.edu) or by phone at 607-746-4635. Students can also obtain research assistance through "AskUs 24/7" service at any time, day or night.
  • The Resnick Academic Achievement Center will have limited staffing between December 16 and January 17. If you are unable to reach a staff member, please call 607-746-4650. Please note that staff availability will be significantly reduced during the holidays.
  • To order a transcript, go to the Transcript web page and follow the instructions
  • Please contact the Registrar's Office at 607-746-4560 with other questions about January term classes.